January Newsletter II 2011

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• Can You Help?

• Read ‘Victim to Victor’ – First Three Chapters FREE

Can You Help?

In December, I was approached by a brother in the Lord who admonished me to be better about making my ministry needs known. This is my attempt to do so.


Black Forest Academy High School Retreat

I have just been invited to lead worship and minister in Switzerland this coming March. Black Forest Academy, Kandern, Germany, where my son and daughter-in-law (Israel and Dani) minister, is a boarding school for children of missionaries. They have asked if I would come to lead worship for their High School Retreat in Lenks, Switzerland from March 4-6 of this year. The school is actually able to provide for one plane fare but I would like to take Melinda to help with the technical aspects of worship as well as to love on these kids. I would like to raise an additional $3,000 to cover the rest of the airfare and expenses…and, to be honest, would like to not even have to take the school’s offer for the one plane fare because I know how difficult it is for missionary families to make ends meet. This is a great opportunity to impact the entire world and minister to several hundred young people at the same time. These kids will take what God does during this time and invest what they received into those THEY minister to. I believe this is a worthy endeavor. Can you help?


Go to http://dennisjernigan.com/how-to-support-the-work-of-dennis-jernigan to give online or send a check or money order to:


Dennis Jernigan

C/O Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.

7804 W. Fern Mountain Rd.

Muskogee, OK 74401



Dennis Jernigan


Other Projects You Can Help Support

Documentary of the Life of Dennis Jernigan

As you know, the need for stories like mine is becoming more and more apparent each and every day. What we have found through the years is that when I share of my deliverance from same sex attraction that people with ALL MANNER of bondages come to us for help. I would like to film a documentary of my life…a movie that would be of sufficient quality that it could be shown on the Discovery Channel or Biography Channel. I already have a filmmaker who is ready, willing, and able to make this happen. We simply need funding. Think of all the places such a tool could be used…Celebrate Recovery groups…schools…universities…churches…the possibilities are endless. This is completely possible. We simply need funding. We are asking the Lord for $10,000.


The First-ever Dennis Jernigan Ministry Tour

I would like to create my first-ever ministry tour where I go from city to city along a planned route. My desire is to not burden the local church but to be a blessing. In this present climate, only the large church bodies can afford to bring me in. Some of my greatest blessings have come from going to churches and cities that normally get by-passed by major ministries and artists. Reality is that I need to make a living for my family. Royalties continue to help us throughout the year but they are growing less and less as the years go by. If I had help with finances I could afford to pay for my own travel and lodging rather than placing that burden on the local body. With those needs met I could then find most of my family’s needs met through whatever Love Offerings would be given.


My goals for such a tour?

1 Proclaim freedom from WHATEVER binds the human soul

2 Equip the church to be the ministers to those around them so as to multiply the work of ministry and freedom (let’s face it…most people feel inadequate in dealing with the hard issues like addiction, homosexuality, abuse, etc.).


I feel I can help equip the church at large to get out of the pews and not expect the lost to come to them…to go out into the fields where they live and, in practical ways, pour out the love of Jesus to those around them. I do not yet know what I would call such a tour, but it could be as simple and straightforward as the ‘Help For the Hurting’ Tour. Please give as you feel led.


Thank you!

Dennis Jernigan



Read ‘Victim to Victor’ – First Three Chapters FREE

Dennis’s book, Victim to Victor, is a helpful tool in discovering who we are in Christ. Written as a continuation of the book Giant Killers, Victim to Victor takes the reader on a journey of discovering not only their identity in Christ, but also the power to overcome temptation that we have been given as new creations. To help make people aware of this helpful ministry tool we are offering the first three chapter of the book (available as an eBook only) for free. Go to http://dennisjernigan.com/store/product.php?c=33&p=2576 and download your free chapters today…and if it speaks to your hart, purchase the entire book for only $10.00. Please tell others you know who are battling for their identity in Christ – battling for freedom in their life – about this helpful book.