May Newsletter 2011

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter

May 2, 2011

Exodus International

As you may or may not know, I serve on the Board of Directors for Exodus International, the world’s largest ministry to those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction. Two times each year we meet together to oversee the workings of the ministry and to pray and offer advice. Throughout the course of each year, we are called on for advice and prayer quite often (as you might imagine) for this very crucial ministry. This is a non-paid position but one I gladly serve in due to the call of God on my life. I am often able to offset the cost of these board meetings by the opportunities I have to minister in the same area the meetings takes place. Our next meeting is in June (June 5-6) of this year and there are simply no ministry invitations in the area where we will be (Ridgecrest, NC). That being said, would you consider being a part of helping me perform this very important role in a very relevant, timely ministry by your financial support? If you would like to help, please simply click on the following link and follow the directions posted there. I would like to raise enough money to take Melinda with me as a part of my spiritual covering. The estimated cost is in the $2000 range. Any money given over this amount will go to other ministry opportunities such as our tentative plans to minister in Australia this coming summer.

Thank you for helping me set the captive free.



Dennis Jernigan Available for Ministry

The following dates are open for Dennis Jernigan to come and minister to your church or group. Booking and contact info are listed after the series of dates.

June 17-18

July 1-3

July 8

August 12-14

August 19

September 23-25

October 1-2

October 14-16

October 21-23

November 18-20

November 25-27

December 4

December 9-11

Glory Thompson, Scheduling Coordinator may be reached at:

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Office: 1-800-877-0406

Office: (918) 781-1200

Direct Line: (918) 685-2268

Fax: (918) 781-1204


Broadcast Tonight at 9 PM CST!

May 2, 2011

9 PM CST Worship from the Living Room

Be a part of tonight’s worship and ministry as Dennis Jernigan ministers live from his living room. To join in this intimate time of worship, simply click on the following link: www.livestream.comdennisjernigantv. This ongoing event is on the first Monday of each month. Tonight, Dennis will be giving away copies of his latest CD and book.


Night of Praise in Bel Air, MD!

On Saturday evening, May 7, at 7 PM, Dennis will be ministering as part of a weekend event called "Floodgate 2011" hosted by Mt. Zion United Methodist Church. For more information on the weekend events please call 410-836-7444 or visit their website here.

Mt. Zion UMC
1643 Churchville Road
Bel Air, Maryland 21015


Next Generation Creative Institute

We recently held our third NGCI in our home and were, once again, amazed at the unique ways each of these weekends unfolds. As varied as the people who gather, the workings of the Holy Spirit continue to inspire me to hold these NGCI events. If you are creatively minded, whether you are a musician or not, these encounters are proving to be of profound encouragement and inspiration to those who are able to attend. I urge you to consider being a part or, if you know of someone who would benefit from the next NGCI, consider providing someone with a scholarship to attend. If you know of an aspiring worship leader, songwriter, author, praise team member, musician, or minister who would benefit from the NGCI, please consider helping them get here! For details and to register, go to and scroll down to the NGCI info.

I hope to see you there!