January 9, 2012 Newsletter

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter

January 9, 2012

• Jernigan Ministry Need

• Time to Move On and Free MP3 of the Month

• Creativity Service

• Captured

Jernigan Ministry Need

As you may or may not know, I serve on the Board of Directors for Exodus International. Twice each year I travel to take part in this world-impacting ministry to those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction at my own expense. That gathering is next week in Orlando, FL. I will also be ministering to men and women who head various Exodus-related ministries from around the nation at the Exodus Leadership Conference for two days immediately following the Board Meeting. The expenses for this trip will be around $1,000.00 (airfare, rental car, meals, etc.) Thankfully, I have dear friends in the Orlando area who provide lodging for me so there is no expense there.


Melinda and I work hard to provide for the work of ministry God has called us to. We make our living on CD sales (which have fallen dramatically and drastically over the past 5 years) and love offerings from ministry events. Due to the economy, even these have fallen drastically. We have cut back everything we know to cut back on but feel compelled to make an appeal to you for help. If you feel led and can help get me to Florida, thank you. If you cannot help financially, we ask you for your prayer covering and support.


By giving to this endeavor, you are actively taking part in helping men and women discover freedom in Christ. By giving to this mission effort, you are actively helping me encourage men and women who are directly on the front lines of leading others to freedom in this area. I could really use your help.


Dennis Jernigan


To give, call 1-800-877-0406 or go to http://dennisjernigan.com/how-to-support-the-work-of-dennis-jernigan

Time to Move On and Free MP3 of the Month

I wanted to tell you about a new ministry song from Father’s heart I posted last week. I feel it is for more than just me. I received the song TIME TO MOVE ON on
December 30, 2012. Here is what I wrote about receiving that song from Father’s heart:

As I was preparing for a time of worship to be held on New Year's Eve 2011, I began asking the Lord if He had a word for the night. I was impressed with this simple phrase: It's time to move on. As I meditated on those words, I thought of my own life and how I could not move on from my past until I believed God had forgiven me and had received that forgiveness - and forgave myself in the process. As I have grown in my understanding of God's love and forgiveness through the years, I have come to recognize other areas I have not let go of: times of feeling used, times of feeling betrayed, times of regretting decisions I had made, etc. In each case, the enemy wanted me to feel like a victim. To live as a victim is like being involved in a wreck and just never moving on from the wreckage. Because of my story, I receive lots of mail from people who seem stuck with the wreckage of their sin or in the wreckage of their wounds - just being stuck there. There comes a point where we must acknowledge our hurts or our failures or our betrayals, forgive and be forgiven and forgive ourselves...and move on with our lives! The enemy wins when we stay with the wreckage. To leave that wreckage is not to pretend it never happened. To leave the wreckage means we know Whose and who we are - and that we trust Him to use even the wrecks of life to bring forth something new that transports us from being the victim to being the victor. We have a choice. I choose to move on. This song is from Father's heart and I really do believe this is a word from His heart to mine...and possibly to yours!


You can watch it at http://dennisjernigan.com/blog/Time-to-Move-On-ministry-video.html


You can download the song for FREE at http://dennisjernigan.com/free-downloads

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14 NASB


Creativity Service

Each Monday morning, I post a short suggestion concerning how to be a better receiver creativiely. Designed initially for those who feel compelled to receive songs from the Lord, I believe these tips will help spur any creative minded person on to deeper creative ways of thinking. And best of all? It’s FREE! Go to http://dennisjernigan.com/blog/Song-Receivers-Tip-of-the-Week-January-9-2012.html to find this week’s creativity tip.




Have you gotten your copy of my new fantasy novel, CAPTURED, yet? If you love adventure you’ll love this book. Appropriate for 12 years old and above! Go to http://dennisjernigan.com/store/product.php?c=26&p=3043 to order your copy today. Please let us know when you order if you’d like it signed or not. I’d be glad to!