February 16,2012 Newsletter

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Join Dennis and Melinda in their home for a weekend of inspiration, refreshing, restoration, and healing. Go to http://dennisjernigan.com/store/product.php?c=32&p=2564 for more information!

Thank You

Dennis wishes to thank each and every one who gave to help him get to the recent Exodus Leadership Conference in Orlando. Not surprisingly, the exact amount needed came in! Because of your faithfulness and encouragement, many lives for many years will be impacted. Thank you!

Help DJ Record

As you may or may not know, Dennis Jernigan has been an independent recording artist (no label or industry support) for many years now. Called to share his story and faithful to do so even when industry experts tell him this is not very marketable, he uses the music to encourage the hearts of hurting and broken people to cry out to God in honest, healing confession. Because of the nature of his story, people who typically avoid the church continually seek him out. DJ loves having the resources of his music to put in the hands and hearts of people who are embarking on the journey to freedom and wholeness in Christ because he knows the benefit intimate worship has been in his own life. If you know DJ at all, you know his heart. He believes that if you lead people to freedom in Christ that the natural response is one of worship. Dennis has a vision for a new recording, already having chosen the songs he feels are from the Lord for this project…but he needs your help. Jernigan is not an independently wealthy man, lol! He pays for each recording out of his own pocket and is glad to do so. We are simply asking you to help him with his next recording effort. Our goal is to raise $20,000.00 over the next three months. If you feel called to help in any way you can go here to be a part of this ongoing work of freedom and healing: http://dennisjernigan.com/how-to-support-the-work-of-dennis-jernigan

Thank you,

Staff of Dennis Jernigan and Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.


DJ Insider

You can become a part of supporting the work of ministry of Dennis Jernigan – leading people to freedom – by becoming a DJ Insider. For only $2.99 a month you receive many benefits of DJ’s vast ministry resources and help him in the process. For more info, go to http://dennisjernigan.com/djinsider/



DJ remembers feeling rejected and completely clueless concerning his identity as a boy. But he also remembers how the Lord used fantasy to save his life and keep him searching for the truth. The book “Captured” is the realization of DJ’s call to help rescue and guide and remind young people that there is a greater destiny each is called to. “Captured” is appropriate for ages 12 through adult and can be purchased at http://dennisjernigan.com/store/product.php?c=26&p=3043. Here is what one young man recently wrote to DJ about the book:

“Hey Mr. Jernigan, I am almost finished reading "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured" (When I meant I'm almost finished reading it I meant for the third time of reading it. Yes it is that good of a book.) and I had a few questions if I'm allowed to ask them. 1. How did you think of all the races of creatures and the characters names? 2. When is "Chronicles of Bren: Sacrifice" coming out? The 1st question was to kind of help me out by writing my own story. The 2nd question was to know when I'd be able to buy “Sacrifice”.”


Free MP3

Please get your FREE copy of the new worship song “He Is Holy” by going to http://dennisjernigan.com/free-downloads and send all your friends there as well!