April 2012

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Tulsa, Oklahoma - Dennis will be ministering this Saturday morning, April 28, at the Woodlake Church in Tulsa.  The event begins at 10:30 and is a benefit tea for Freedom House Teen Challenge of Tulsa. The address is Woodlake Church, 7100 East  31st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Springdale, Arkansas - April 28, this Saturday evening, 7 p.m., there will be a Night Of Praise in Springdale at the Friendship Baptist Church, 5359 East Robinson Avenue.  Dennis will also lead morning worship at 10:30 at the same church.

Chandler, Oklahoma - Finally, this Sunday evening, April 29th, there will be a Night Of Praise in Chandler at the First Assembly of God, 2100 E Hwy 66, Chandler, OK.  The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Don't forget about the song being offered for FREE at dennisjernigan.com. That song, I Will Run to the Arms of My Father, can be downloaded at http://dennisjernigan.com/free-downloads. This song was born while ministering at a recent conference in Houston with Jack Taylor and Bill Johnson. Be sure and read the song history as you download the new mp3. We think you’ll be encouraged as you read the story behind the song. Also, we would appreciate your helping in getting the music to your worship leader. Would you consider downloading a lead sheet and giving it to him or her for us? Of course, you can always send them the FREE mp3 whether you send them the lead sheet or not.