November 2019

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Picture of Dennis and Melinda Jernigan on their property
November 2019

Each year during the month of November, we as a nation set aside a day of Thanksgiving. Often, we gather for family meals (feasts!) and regale one another with wonderful memories of times gone by. Often, we laugh until we feel our stomachs begin to ache (or it could be the sheer amount of the turkey and pumpkin pie we consumed!). Often, we sit around the room expressing things we are grateful for, especially the people we are grateful for.

This leads me to ponder each year the things I am most grateful for.

Here are the five things I'm most grateful for:


Even though my health issues seem to color each and every aspect of my life in some way, I am grateful for the fact that the love of my family is steadfast. My wife is my bedrock. My children, including in-laws, are my encouragement. My grandchildren remind me I am the richest man on earth. My family gives me a reason to keep fighting and to keep fixing my eyes on Jesus. They are my heart's dearest treasures.


Fellowship of Believers

I am blessed to have pastored a small group of believers each week for many years now. Meeting in our living room each Wednesday night,All In All Churchgives me something to look forward to each week: worshiping God with other believers and ministering to wounded souls. I am grateful for this community of faith that gives me far more encouragement than I could possibly give them.



Jesus had a small inner circle of friends. Even though my circle is a bit smaller than that of Jesus, it is still life to me. Knowing I have a handful of men I can unburden my soul to keeps me focused on truth. But the reality is, I have literally thousands of friends around the world who constantly encourage me with their kind words via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, my website, Patreon, and this newsletter!

Truth is, not everyone can be inner circle, but your kind encouragement via messages and emails is just as meaningful and affecting. I treasure each kind word I receive, and I am grateful.




What can I say? Apart from Jesus, I believe my life would fall apart and would have done so a long time ago. He keeps meeting me right where I am and keeps loving me enough to not leave me there, even pulling me out of my occasional miry pit of self-pity. I am His. He is mine. Relationship with Him is everything, and I am forever grateful for this fact. With Him, even Parkinson's bows its knee to Jesus and becomes a useful tool in the kingdom of God. I am so grateful that my God wastes nothing and that He is with me and gives me grace to endure.


Freedom to Create

Due to my health issues, I have had to become more intentional in my creativity. Each day, I try to schedule some sort of creative endeavor, exercise, or discipline to keep my mind sharp and focused on Jesus and upon the needs of others. With each creative endeavor, I feel an infusion of life where death tries to raise its ugly head. The result of having the freedom to create is gratitude. And the resulting benefit? Yet another reason to keep fighting for life.



What are you grateful for? Make a list, and then show Him that list. Count your blessings, name them one by one.


P.S. I'll be releasing my new devotional book next week. You can preorder theebooknow or get the paperback on November 25th. I'll let you know when it's officially out in the world!

Fun Songs & Lullabies album cover
Latest Release
The Light Eater

The Kingdom of Bren faces a deadly foe. Can the Jennings children defeat a light-eating dragon in time to save the realm?

Full of fiery trials, surprising reunions, and frightening foes, The Light Eater is the second book in the Bairns of Bren series, which chronicles the adventures of the Jennings in the land of Bren, their grandfather's kingdom.

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Either way, I'm incredibly grateful!

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