Dennis Jernigan and his band recorded this double album in one evening in the 1990's. Once again, several of Jernigan’s songs went on to become used extensively throughout the body of Christ. DJ’s focus for the evening is quite obvious even at first listen: Jesus Christ is Lord. There is power in His blood to cleanse, heal, and save. By virtue of the work of the cross, we belong to Him. This recording is a faith-building, faith-affirming adventure of celebration and intimacy.
Standout songs include the standard Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus, the worshipful Rushing Wind, the majestic Come as a Bridegroom, and of course the declaratory title song I Belong to Jesus.
Hidden Gems: Give Reverence and Honor and Praise, Jesus I Love You, Who Am I, and By the Blood.
A continuation of I Belong to Jesus Vol. 1, this recording takes us even deeper into our declaration of Who God is and of Who we are because of Him! What made this night of worship even more unique is that several songs (titled Spontaneous Song) were born on the spot that very night. In fact, the recordings are just as they happened that night! This volume is celebratory at its onset but ends with great intimacy and proclamation of our love for Almighty God.
Standout songs include the standard The Lord is My Strength, the praise dancer’s medley of O The Glory, With a Shout of Glory, and I Will Celebrate as well as the moving worship song Keeper and Sustainer of My Life.
Hidden Gems: For the Lord is a Righteous God, To Be Loved, When I Get Home.