Song History:
April 12, 1983
Psalm 103:13; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
The whole year of 1981 will always hold a special place in my heart. That was the year I began getting honest about my struggles with sin (specifically homosexuality) and the same year in which God supernaturally revealed His redeeming power to me at a Second Chapter of Acts concert. As is often the case, the Lord allowed me to fall to the bottom of my own self - you know, to the point where it is obvious that one cannot help one's self! When I was at the bottom and needed to hear from my heavenly Father, He sent a friend named LInda to begin teaching me about my need for a Father. This song came one night as she challenged me to face the truth about my deep spiritual and emotional needs and to begin accepting the truth of my God's deep, deep love fro me. I remember vividly of sitting alone in my little pink house in Oklahoma City and crying almost all night as the words of this song brought deep release and comfort to my soul.