Received on October 20, 2008
On this day, I received two songs. When moments like this occur I tend to become very grateful. Having received a song in celebration of God’s sealing love the natural progression in my mind is one of gratitude for Who He is a for what He has done. During the meditation leading to this song, an old Keith Green song came to mind. ‘You Are the One’ was one of my all-time favorite Keith songs. Meditating on God’s love for me and remembering some of Keith’s lyrics, I began to sing my own version of ‘You Are the One’. Although they are two entirely different songs and two completely different moods, they convey the same thing: I cannot tell God enough how much I love Him for what He has done for me! This song is an intimate song of worship and adoration. I was lost and He found me. I was blind and He opened my eyes. I was dying and He gave me life. How can you not love Someone for such a wondrous love?
But may all who seek you
Rejoice and be glad in you;
May those who love your salvation always say,
“The Lord be exalted!”
Psalm 40:16 NIV