Received on October 21, 2008
Looking out upon the mountains on this morning, all I could think about was the sheer massive power and might of my God. It was truly a glorious day. But then the clouds began to roll in from the west and the mountains soon became covered and no longer visible. Immediately I began to think about how many times I have felt like my life had been covered by clouds of pain or despair or circumstances…and how that I could honestly say that even those days were glorious days in the Kingdom of God. Just as the mountains go nowhere when the clouds roll in, my God is always right there with me through the pain, through the despair, and through the circumstances of life. Like those mountains, He is immovable. No storm can withstand His power. No darkness can quench His light. No sorrow can cause Him to cower in hiding. Knowing my God is that powerful and that present makes ANY day spent with Him – regardless of circumstances – a glorious day.
This is the day the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 NIV