Received August 29, 2009
But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield.
Psalm 5:11-12 NASB
There comes a time when, after having come through a difficult storm of life, when we can look back and say ‘Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to go through that. And thank You for going through it with me.’ Even as I look back on my life and the sin and the consequences of my sin, I can honestly say that I am thankful to have gone through it all. Was it easy? No. Was it enjoyable at the time? No. Was pain involved? Often quite a bit. Was going through the trauma worth what I found on the other side? Absolutely. When we understand that we do not fully understand the power and majesty of His grace unless we have had occasion to experience it, we can then learn to celebrate all God has done. I would never have known the depth of His love had I never gone through the feelings of abandonment I went through. I would never have known the depth of His healing had I never gone through the injury of rejection and failure. I would never have known the sweetness of His Living Water had I never gone through the desert of sin and spiritual dryness I experienced. Celebration comes now regardless of how I feel…because I know for sure that He walks through the trials of life with me…and waits to bless me with joy on the other side.