Forty Days and Forty Nights
Songs of Contemplation and Intimacy V2
Vol. II – Song Four – Day Fourteen
For evils beyond number have surrounded me…
Psalm 40:12a NASB
Cut Off the Enemy
Words & Music by Dennis Jernigan
Received on May 17, 2010
Psalm 40:12a
©2010 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
Evils beyond all numbers have surrounded me
I’m out numbered out-ranked, out-gunned, Oh, Lord they surrounded me
So what can I do, but cry out to you?
I’ve been beaten and bruised and battered by my own weakness
From addiction to stronghold to wallow in self made bleakness
So what can I do but cry out to you?
Father, here is my heart exposed to Your flame
The fire of Your love, the strength of Your name
Father, burn away all the chaff, deliver me
Father, here is my heart and this my desire
To be captured and cleansed and consumed by Your fire
I will enter the flame while You cut off the enemy
Father, I wear a target on my back that says I love you
I’m at war with the darkness that tries to exalt itself above You
So what can I do but cry out to you?
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