Forty Days and Forty Nights
Songs of Contemplation and Intimacy V3
Vol. III – Song Eight – Day Twenty-eight
All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
When the breath of the LORD blows upon it
Isaiah 40:6b-7a NASB
Born Again
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
Received…June 1, 2010
Isaiah 40:6b-7a NASB
©Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
Verse I am not yet where I’m going
I’m no longer where I’ve been
The old me dead and buried
When I was born again
Like the tiny acorn
Contains the mighty tree
Everything I will be
Is working now in me
I have been born again!
I am renewed within!
Cleansed and redeemed from sin!
I have been born again!
I have been born again!
Completely His child, I am!
No longer defined by who I’ve been!
I am born again!
I am born again!
Not defined by circumstances
Not defined by where I’ve been
Not defined by fate or chances
Not defined by my past sin
Once a child of insurrection
Left abandoned in my sin
By the power of resurrection
I was born again!
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