Forty Days and Forty Nights
Songs of Contemplation and Intimacy V4
Vol. IV – Song One – Day Thirty-one
Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket,
And are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales…
They are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless.
Isaiah 40:15a; 17b NASB
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
Received…June 2, 2010
Isaiah 40:15a; 17b NASB
©2010 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
Verse Too much about me is all about me
When the life I live is really Your story
Father, deliver me from my own tyranny
And help me to live for Your glory
Where I can be true
Where I can be free
Where I can be still
Where I can just be
Where I can see truth
Where I can see peace
Where I can see You
Where I can just be
I want to stop this human striving
And learn to just receive
I’m tired of all this empty trying
To earn Your love for me
I just want to be Your vessel
So live Your life through me
I want to be still
I just want to be
Who am I to think I know better than You
When You spoke the universe into existence?
You are God. I am not. So I lay down my heart.
Every doubt and every prideful resistance.
Where I can be true
Where I can be free
Where I can be still
Where I can just be
Where I can see truth
Where I can see peace
Where I can see You
Where I can just be
I want to stop this human striving
And learn to just receive
I’m tired of all this empty trying
To earn Your love for me
I just want to be Your vessel
So live Your life through me
I want to be still
I just want to be
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