Forty Days and Forty Nights
Songs of Contemplation and Intimacy V4
Vol. IV – Song Two – Day Thirty-two
To whom then will you liken God?
Or what likeness will you compare with Him?
Isaiah 40:18 NASB
"To whom then will you liken Me
That I would be his equal?" says the Holy One.
Isaiah 40:25 NASB
Simply Amazing
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
Received…June 3, 2010
Isaiah 40:18, 25
©2010 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
My limitations define me
You are limited by nothing
You are timeless!
You are infinite!
You are boundless!
How can I understand
A God beyond my understanding?
Raging splendor!
So incomparable!
You are holy!
There’s no comparing You to anything
That man has ever known
So I lay my human wisdom down
Declaring You are God alone!
You are a amazing in all Your glory and splendor!
You are amazing beyond all grandeur and power!
You are amazing!
You made me knowing well I would reject You
Still You gave Your life! Laid Your life down for me!
Simply amazing!
Simply amazing!
Simply amazing!
Beyond science’s domain
Beyond the greatest minds of this world
You are holy!
There is no God but You
Able to redeem and save us
So magnificent!
So available!
Yet so holy!
There’s no comparing You to anything
That man has ever known
So I lay my human wisdom down
Declaring You are God alone!
You are a amazing in all Your glory and splendor!
You are amazing beyond all grandeur and power!
You are amazing!
You made me knowing well I would reject You
Still You gave Your life! Laid Your life down for me!
Simply amazing!
Simply amazing!
Simply amazing!
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