Forty Days and Forty Nights
Songs of Contemplation and Intimacy V4
Vol. IV – Song Eight – Day Thirty-eight
Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength
Isaiah 40:30-31a NASB
I Wait For You
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
Received…June 9, 2010
Isaiah 40:30-31a NASB
©2010 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
You are not afraid of my weakness
Not intimidated by passage of time
Time has no power
No power over You
Time is what You use to tell Your story
Like a canvas to an artist using time
Time has no power
No power over You
If patience bears the fruit of knowing You
Make me patient
O Lord, create in me eternity
O Make me patient
Where time has no power over me
And every crisis simply breakthrough on hold
Where time gives way to eternity
Where knowing You is much more precious than gold
I wait for You
I wait for You
I wait for You
More than human minds conceive and timeless
Yet You display Yourself by living life through me
Time has no power
No power over You
How can I become like You who made me?
How can mere man demonstrate the timeless God?
If patience bears the fruit of knowing You
Make me patient
O Lord, create in me eternity
O Make me patient
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