Holy is the Lord Most High
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
Received: October 8, 2010
©2010 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts,
The whole earth is full of His glory."
Isaiah 6:3b NASB
This song was born one day as I simply sat down at the piano and chose to rejoice in the Lord in spite of what I was feeling…which was weariness and a tinge of sadness. Those are great song-writing tools but not attitudes the Lord wants me to live in! My desire was to thank God and praise Him regardless of my feelings. To help set the atmosphere for thanksgiving and praise I programmed the percussion as you now hear it on the recording and began to jam along with the percussion. As I sang what was on my heart this song began to pour out of my soul and suddenly I no longer felt the way I had felt when I started the process. Amazing how a simple change of attitude – exchanging saditude for gratitude – can alter an entire perception. Life is meant to be lived out loud and in a demonstrative manner…and not meant to be lived under a constant cloud of sorrow or despair. I may not be able to change my circumstances but I can certainly change my attitude. There is none like our God. That tends to put everything into proper perspective.
Dennis Jernigan