Beautiful To Me - Song History
This song was born during a time
of ministry for a new friend who had
been through an ordeal that no human
being should ever have to go through.
Hurt, wounded, disillusioned, feeling|
unworthy, unattractive, unclean, and on
and on and on, this one had been being
bombarded with the enemy’s lies for
several years now. As I sang over her,
this song was born. Disregard me and
hear Father’s heart. Receive the ministry
of God’s deep cleansing, healing love
for your own soul.
Dennis Jernigan
He has made everything [beautiful] appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 NASB