This song came during November of 1986.
I cannot believe I have never given it a
wide release. When I think of God's
presence, I firmly believe I never leave
His presence nor does He leave mine.
That means that during times when
I feel He is not near that I either do
not acknowledge Him or I simply
forget He is here. I am literally His
dwelling place - a temple for His glory.
Every time I worship Him, I acknowledge
this truth and become fully aware of
His presence in my life. I love singing
this song even after all these years
because of the simplicity of this truth.
Dennis Jernigan
How lovely are Thy dwelling places!
Oh, Lord! Oh, Lord!
How lovely are Thy dwelling places!
Oh, Lord! Oh, Lord!
For a day in Thy courts
Is better than ten thousand outside!
Yes, a day without Your presence
Is a day with no light!
For a day in Thy courts
Is better than ten thousand outside!
Oh, Lord
How lovely is Thy dwelling place
My God and King
In You I have resting place!
My God and King
Come now and fill this dwelling place!
My God and King
Come be at home in me!
Come now and fill this dwelling place!
Dennis Jernigan
November 1986