Meet Me In The Storm
Dennis Jernigan
December 12, 2017
My dad passed away on August 31, 2017. He worked for me the last 20 plus years of his life. Even though he was ready to be with Jesus, I was not ready for him to be gone. I know I will see him again. That being said, I had not expected to grieve in the way I have been grieving. Hitting me at strange and unexpected times, the sense of grief and loss began to war in my mind...the war between the truth that I will see him again in heaven and the truth that I will not see him again in this life. For years, I have ministered to those in grief and assumed that I would simply take my own counsel, that grief is the inward feeling of loss, that mourning is the outward expression of the grief, that blessed are those who mourn for they shall receive comfort from the Lord. It is one thing to talk about grief. Quite another to go through it. Three months after his death, I began to experience moments of panic for no reason at all, or so I thought. Panic led to fear for seemingly no reason. Even as I tried to name any lies I was believing and even after putting on the truth of God's Word, I still experienced panic attacks, leading to several sleepless nights. During one of those episodes while driving home one night, I felt so overwhelmed I thought I needed to pull over to the side of the road as I cried out to God, "Help me. Father! Help me!"
That very moment, my phone rang. On the other end was a friend I had not spoken to in years, a friend who happens to be a professional therapist! He simply said, "After all the thousands of people you have ministered to through the years, how many have ever stopped to ask you how you were doing? Dennis, how are you doing?" My mind was suddenly able to gain control at the thought of the miraculous intervention of God in my life in that moment. It truly was supernatural, beyond mere coincidence. My friend talked me through my panic and helped me breathe all the way home. He sang to me and assured me this was part of the process of grieving and that God would be with me through it all. He encouraged me to make a list of the things I missed about my dad and then he encouraged me to sing.
I shared with Melinda as I began to cry. the burden and fear began to lift. I went to the piano and sang/sobbed for the next 20 minutes and was able to sleep through the night. Though the panic attacks have come and gone since that time, I am convinced of God's presence with me through this season of my life. This song was born on the morning after one of those recent sleepless nights. I sing it often now. I encourage you to do the same.
Dennis Jernigan
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Jesus
Matthew 5:4 NASB
It's one thing to talk about a storm
Quite another to go through it
When the winds begin to blow
And the rain begins to fall
When the things I know to do
Don't seem to work at all
Father, be there
Father, be there
Meet me in the storm
Beginning, middle, end
Meet me in the thunder
And the lightning and the wind
Meet me in the waves
Crashing all around
Be the lifter of my head
Come be my Solid Ground
Meet me in the storm
Meet me in the rain
Meet me in my sorrow
In the middle of my pain
Meet me in my wounds
Meet me in despair
Meet me when I fall apart
In the middle of absolutely nowhere
Father, be there
Father, be there
It's one thing to see someone in pain
Quite another to go through it
When my thoughts begin to spin
When my faith would fade to fear
When the sorrow weighs me down
I just need to know You're near
Father be there
Father, be there
Meet me in the storm
Beginning, middle, end
Meet me in the thunder
And the lightning and the wind
Meet me in the waves
Crashing all around
Be the lifter of my head
Come be my Solid Ground
Meet me in the storm
Meet me in the rain
Meet me in my sorrow
In the middle of my pain
Meet me in my wounds
Meet me in despair
Meet me when I fall apart
In the middle of absolutely nowhere
Father, be there
Father, be there
© 2017 Shepherd's Heart Music, Inc. Dennis Jernigan
7804 W. Fern Mountain Rd. Muskogee, OK 74401