Listening MP3 from Break My Heart Oh God.
Song History: September 12, 1989 This song came as we prayed. For an eight-year period I led worship for a corporate prayer gathering. During those times at the piano, my job was to maintain an atmosphere of praise in which to pray and to intercede. On this particular day, this song came forth during one of those times of intercession. I had just begun sharing my story of deliverance for a year at that time, so the story behind the lyrics was constantly on my mind. The song is very autobiographical. My hope is that others would see the value of seeking Jesus as if their lives depended on it. So, as you sing this chorus, ask the Holy Spirit who you are to intercede for and see His glory and power manifest in the lives of others as you intercede for them.
Matthew 13:44-46; Matthew 6:19-21