A listening MP3 from Mystery of Majesty.
Song History:
July 24, 1990
Psalm 22:3; Ephesians 5:19
For so long, my life seemed worthless to me. This song was birthed as I focused on how much worth God's redemption has besteowd upon my life. The paradox here is that my sin did make me unworthy, yet God deemed my life worth the life of His Son, Jesus, and Jesus felt me worth giving up the glories and riches of heaven. Worship is relationship. Relationship begins in the heart. God's Word says that He inhabits the praises of His people. As I meditated on this truth, I saw my heart as His throne–a place reserved for only one King, Jesus Christ. As the music began to flow from these thoughts, I realized that God was truly the Author of my faith, singing His love over me. In that instant I sincerely felt the embrace of God and bowed in worship to my heart's true King. No other had ever met my needs like Jesus. No one else could cleanse and heal as He can. He alone is my heart's deepest desire and He alone is the Ruler–the King of my heart.
Received by Dennis Jernigan on July 24, 1990
(©1990) Shepherd's Heart Music, Inc.
• 7804 W. Fern Mountain Rd. Muskogee, OK 74401
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