The Chronicles of Bren: Sacrifice, the story of Lee Jennings continues. Still embattled yet more confident in his emerging manhood, Lee once again finds himself transported into the realm of Bren, only this time he finds himself as reigning king of the realm! Sacrifice is Lee’s journey into discovering how he became king. As the story unfolds, his father, High King Troyolin, is on his death bed whispering these words into his son’s ear. “Son, I go now from your side…but I will always be with you. Take the memories we made together and cherish them like precious treasure. And if you remember nothing else…if I could tell you only one thing, I would say…” It is not until the end of this grand adventure that we discover and understand what those final words were and what they mean. This story reveals the keys to the kingdom of Brenbut also lays the groundwork of the continuing legacy of Lee Jennings and the future kings and queens of the realm and their coming adventures.
To learn more about the mystical land of Bren, hear songs inspired by the stories of Bren, find out how certain characters were inspired, and to see rough sketches of what Dennis Jernigan thinks these characters may look like, go to