Song History
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
September 5, 2012
One of my best friends, Troy Ambler, has walked through much hardship in his life. Through
many family struggles and 17 year’s worth of addiction to cocaine, he received God’s grace,
was born again, and has walked in freedom for over 8 years now. Through it all, the trials have
taken a toll on his body. He was recently told he needed a new heart - that without a transplant
he could expect to love three to four more years. Troy is only 48 years old. Of course, we want
instant healing...but it does not seem to be happening. So what do we do?
We cry out to God and realize that the process of healing may be what God uses to reveal
Himself to us and, in the process, bring us to greater levels of freedom and health than we could
know otherwise. Troy has more than enough faith to believe for healing...but we cannot take
away God’s sovereignty by placing parameters on what that process should look like from our
perspective. God is in control and He wastes nothing if we bring it to Him in honesty. As I cried
out to God for Troy, this song was born.
Dennis Jernigan
...for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13 NASB
Take me away just for a moment
Somehow quiet all the noise
Let me hear Your still, small voice
Take me away! Take me away with You!
Take me away just for a moment
In the raging, stormy seas
Take me to the place of peace
Take me away! Take me away with You!
To a place of perfect peace
Though the storm rages 'round me!
To a place where I can rest in simply being!
Where this world is put on hold!
Where Your glory I behold!
Though this world grows dark
My eyes just go on seeing!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
To a place where I've been told
All the streets are paved with gold!
Where all the tears are wiped away!
There's no more crying!
Where all is endless joy and life!
No more pain and no more strife!
No more sorrow! No more fear and no more dying!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
Take me away just for a moment
Though my wounds don't seem to heal
Though I've grown too numb to feel
Take me away! Take me away with You!
Take me away just for a moment
Even when my strength would fail
Though the enemy assail!
Take me away! Take me away with You!
To a place of perfect peace
Though the storm rages 'round me!
To a place where I can rest in simply being!
Where this world is put on hold!
Where Your glory I behold!
Though this world grows dark
My eyes just go on seeing!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
To a place where I've been told
All the streets are paved with gold!
Where all the tears are wiped away!
There's no more crying!
Where all is endless joy and life!
No more pain and no more strife!
No more sorrow! No more fear and no more dying!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!
Oh, in this moment here I am!
Take me away!