I Need to Know You - Song History
Dennis Jernigan
Received October 17, 2015
Every 6 months, Melinda and I hold
an event in our home called the
Next Generation Creative Institute.
The purpose of NGCI is to instill in
others a vision for creativity and
ministry and healing regardless
of the individuals particular talents
or gifts. It is my practice to meditate
on the event in the days prior to
people coming into our home.
I ask the Lord for songs of
deliverance and songs to help
those attending to cry out to God
with their needs and in worship.
This song came as a result of that
time of meditation for the 14
people attending this NGCI.
It is the cry of my own heart
as well. Use this song to
seek the deeper places of
Who God is.
Dennis Jernigan
More than that, I count all things
to be loss in view of the
surpassing value of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom
I have suffered the loss of all
things, and count them but
rubbish so that I may gain
Christ, and may be found in
Him, not having a righteousness
of my own derived from the Law,
but that which is through faith
in Christ, the righteousness
which comes from God on the
basis of faith, that I may know
Him and the power of His
resurrection and the fellowship
of His sufferings, being conformed
to His death; in order that I
may attain to the resurrection
from the dead.
Philippians 3:8-11 NASB
I need to know You
Like a baby needs to know a mother's touch
I need to know You that much
I need to know You
Like a pris'ner longs for one to come and save
I need to know You that way
I want to know the deeper love
that comes from being face to face!
I want to know a deeper level
of the power of Your grace!
I want to know You with the
passion that sent You You to take my place!
I want to know You! I want to know You that way!
I need to know You
Like a dying man who longs for air to breathe
I want to know You that deep
I need to know You
Like a bird that dares to spread his wings and fly
I need to know You that high
I want to know the deeper love
that comes from being face to face!
I want to know a deeper level
of the power of Your grace!
I want to know You with the
passion that sent You to take my place!
I want to know You! I want to know You that way!
©2015 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
7804 W. Fern Mountain Rd.•Muskogee, OK•74401
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