For This One Pearl
Words & Music
Dennis Jernigan
September 13, 1989
This song was born during a very trying time in my life. Having just been sharing my story publicly since July of 1988, the political climate was changing swiftly, making my story all the more unpopular and politically incorrect. I had to come to a place of freedom. That place was the Truth of God’s Word. Jesus saw me as the pearl of great price. His great love for me led me to the place of freedom concerning my identity. I needed to see Him as worth my entire being and existence, seeing Him as my pearl of great price. This song is that declaration of what Jesus is worth to me. He is worth dying for.
Dennis Jernigan
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
Matthew 13:44-46 NASB
Like a man who is searching
For that one pot of gold
My heart is now seeking a treasure to hold
Like a man who is searching
For that one perfect pearl
Who when has found it
Forsakes the whole world
For this one pearl
All I have is Yours
Jesus, my Lord, I am Yours!
You are my heart’s priceless treasure
Worth so much more than this world
All I have is Yours!
Jesus, my Lord, I am Yours
You are my heart’s priceless treasure
And I’m forsaking this world
For this one pearl
Like a man who’s tasted freedom
Who will not be bound again
Whatever it’s costing
Living or dying, I win
Like a man who is running
In a race for the prize
Though I fall I will get up keep running
Toward where I’m fixing my eyes
On Jesus Christ
All I have is Yours
Jesus, my Lord, I am Yours!
You are my heart’s priceless treasure
Worth so much more than this world
All I have is Yours!
Jesus, my Lord, I am Yours
You are my heart’s priceless treasure
And I’m forsaking this world
For this one pearl