Just Be With Me
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
Key F Includes melody, lyrics, guitar/piano chords
Received on May 10, 2011
Many things went into the birth of this song. Watching my children grow up and go on
with their lives brings obvious change. I love this change and I love the new dimensions
of family life with each new phase of the journeys my children embark on…and I love
the added coloring of the tapestry of our family each new child-by-marriage brings to
our ranks. Coupled with that rich familial reality is the reality of the consequences of
my story of redemption. It is not a fun or popular or financially profitable ride on which
I find myself due to my deliverance from something the world says one cannot be free
from. It seems people should be glad when one announces they have been redeemed –
regardless of what that redemption is from – but the obvious reason so much of the world
attacks me is that my very existence flies in the face of those who have simply accepted
their bondage as their true identity. I get that. During the two days of birthing this song
required, I was confronted with very strong and accusing words from others. It seems
the enemy knows right where to hit me…always below the belt. I am a man of mercy.
When others feel hurt, I feel hurt. When others feel joy, I feel joy. The enemy attacks me
harshly in this part of my identity. Just this week I have been told ‘You are believing a
lie. You are truly a homosexual and you are simply denying your true identity’…‘You
are doing so much damage to people by telling them they can be free from something
they do not require freedom from’…‘It’s such a shame that you will inevitably bring
harm to your wife and to the children you have created when your life reverts back to
its true homosexual state’…‘You have blood on your hands…’ When I am accused of
hurting others – especially my family - I always feel knocked back for a little while
because that is the last thing I hope to do. I am always brought back to the place of peace
by simply acknowledging God’s presence with me. In that place He gently reminds me of
my own experience with Him…the freedom…the hope…the rich treasure of my family
that will be there after everything else fades away. I cannot change my past and I refuse
to alter my story of redemption for the world’s politically correct consumption. Whether I
live or whether I die, I am the Lord’s…and knowing Him has been worth all the struggle
my freedom has cost me. My favorite line of this song says it all. “I need the peace of
knowing the joy of being known.”
Dennis Jernigan
Just be With Me
Here I am against the wall.
It seems too wide.
It seems too tall.
I'm tired of striving.
Tired of feeling numb.
The lies at times
Just seem so loud
It's hard to hear where You are now.
Just to know You're here would be enough.
Just be with me when I fall apart.
Again, it seems, I have a broken heart.
Just be with me when I feel alone.
I need the peace of knowing the joy of being known.
Life has worn rough edges down.
I am reduced to here and now
To realize that all I need is You.
I recognize the grace I need,
The Solid Rock in stormy seas,
The Love that won't let go that gets me through.
Just be with me when I fall apart.
Again, it seems, I have a broken heart.
Just be with me when I feel alone.
I need the peace of knowing the joy of being known.
©2012 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
7804 W. Fern Mountain Rd.•Muskogee, OK•74401
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