Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
December 29, 2012
I love to write songs of blessing for others.
As a man - as a dad - I think one of my highest callings
on earth is to bestow identity and blessing on my
children and my wife...on my friends and on those
in need...pretty much anyone and everyone!
As the New Year approached, I began to think
about what I would want to bless my family
with - including the body of Christ.
This song happened as I began to meditate
on the truths of God’s Word. As I sought HIm
I thought of how amazing it is that the God of
Creation - the God of the Universe - wants intimacy
with me! I can’t think of a greater blessing with which
to bless others with...thus, the song NEAR HIS FACE
came to be. WIth just the tweaking of a few words it
could also become a wonderful intimate song of worship
TO the Lord. In either case, receive this blessing from
my heart to yours...from Father’s heart to yours.
Dennis Jernigan
For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is
the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light
of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6 NASB
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
December 29, 2012
May you always have a place at the table of the King
Whether facing deepest sorrow or in the midst of enemies.
May you always find a resting place no matter where you are
In the hidden place of refuge next to God's own, God's own dear heart!
Near His face may you find a constant home!
Near His face may you never be alone!
Near His face may you find what you need
To hold on when strength's gone!
You be weak! He is strong!
Near His face may you find the grace to soar!
Near His face your soul always restored! stored!
Near His face only settle for more of His love,
Of His grace, of His healing embrace
Near His face!
May you always find a shelter though you're tossed on stormy seas.
May you always be encouraged though life knock's you to your knees.
May you always be reminded that no matter where you are
That you always have a refuge next to God's own, God's own dear heart!
Near His face may you find a constant home!
Near His face may you never be alone!
Near His face may you find what you need
To hold on when strength's gone!
You be weak! He is strong!
Near His face may you find the grace to soar!
Near His face your soul always restored! stored!
Near His face only settle for more of His love,
Of His grace, of His healing embrace
Near His face!
Near His face be a child of the King!
Near His face find who you are called to be!