My Hope - Song Lyrics
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
September 23, 2014
My hope is built on a Solid Rock
Every sin was nailed to an old rugged cross
All my shame washed away in most precious blood
All my fear banished by God's love
All my hopes and dreams
My identity,
Can be found in my Redeemer
Who is King of Kings!
All my sin and shame
Completely washed away
In the precious blood of Jesus
Name above all names!
All my shame washed away
In most precious blood
All my fear banished by God's love.
My joy is sure through sorrow or pain
In a desert, thirst quenched by pure Living Rain
Though I lay down my life in the fire of faith
I find life in amazing grace.
All my hopes and dreams
My identity,
Can be found in my Redeemer
Who is King of Kings!
All my sin and shame
Completely washed away
In the precious blood of Jesus
Name above all names!
All my shame washed away
In most precious blood
All my fear banished by God's love.
My Hope - Song History
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
September 23, 2014
As the documentary, Sing Over Me, makes its way across the
nation and around the world, I have had to come with grips - even
more than usual - with the ramifications of sharing the Lord’s
wisdom in a world ruled by man’s wisdom. My hope is not in
what men think of me. My hope is not in whether the church
supports me in what God has called me to do (many do not).
It has become quite easy to ignore those who hate me and
often tell me so because I have learned to keep my eyes
and ears fixed on Jesus...just as Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego must have done in their fiery furnace. I have also
learned to listen to the voices of those who are being snatched
out of the wilderness of bondage to sin of any kind as a result
of hearing my story. The voices of those learning of freedom
and the voice of my Father literally keep me going when the
enemy would have me give up and be silent. This song came
in the midst of such thoughts...and I was once again reminded
that my Hope is, indeed, Jesus. My prayer is that this would
become a hymn of THE church of Jesus Christ...especially
as the days grow dark.
Dennis Jernigan
For You are my hope;
O Lord GOD, You are my confidence from my youth.
Psalm 71:5 NASB
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
July 9, 2014
©2014 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan
7804 W. Fern Mountain Rd.•Muskogee, OK•74401
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