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May Newsletter 2012

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I'd be honored for you to join me for live worship and ministry online tonight from my home. Join me at 9PM CST at If you know hurting people, invite them to take part as well.


• Surgery

• Why Write a Story Like The Chronicles of Bren: Captured?





Two years ago now I had major surgery – and did not tell anyone but a few close friends and family. There have been times when I wished I had told you. But that was then. This is now…and I am going to be having surgery and wanted you to know! Tomorrow (May 8) I will be undergoing surgery to repair a tear in my tendon in my right shoulder. I will be in a sling for two weeks and in rehab for the next few weeks. This makes playing the piano and leading worship a little more difficult – but the surgery must be done. I have been in tremendous pain for the past five weeks and have finally had enough. Would you pray for me and for my wife and for the surgeon and for a quick recovery? I cannot financially afford to be down for very long.



Why Write a Story Like The Chronicles of Bren: Captured?                      When I was a boy, I went through several years of personal torment – often teased and bullied by a small yet belligerent group of boys. I remember thinking that those guys seemed to take great joy in making my life as miserable as possible – that they lived just to torment me! Because of certain issues in my life at that time I did not know how to understand or even deal with, I longed for someone to simply rescue me…because I literally felt captured all the time.

I had certain activities that made me feel safe in high school. My basketball team (I was the only white guy!) made me feel protected when I was with them. After basketball practice I would spend several hours playing the piano at home. For some reason I could simply hear something on the radio and then sit down and play it. There was great enjoyment for me there, getting lost in the music…and in that place, no one could touch me – at least for a little while.

But then I had to go to sleep every night as a boy. In many ways, I dreaded those times because I felt so hopeless…but an amazing thing happened to me every night in my dreams for many years. From the time I was a young boy of perhaps ten until I was well into my twenties, I experienced the same dream each and every night…and those dreams gave me hope each and every morning when I woke up.

Each night found me dreading the next day and having to face all the torment and shame once again…so as I fell to sleep, that was on my mind. But as my dread gave way to dreams, my life took on a whole new realm of existence. In those dreams I lived on the starship Enterprise! My dad was none other than Captain James Tiberius Kirk. Each night for all those years I found myself captured by some alien band of creatures who seemed determined to put me to death. Just as I was about to be put to death each night, my dad – Captain Kirk – would materialize with his phaser set to destroy and not to stun – and he rescued me each and every time! For all those years I woke up feeling a sense of relief and rescue and somehow from that found the hope I needed to face another day!

Why write a story like The Chronicles of Bren: Captured? Because I want to provide that same sense of hope to other young men and women who read my books. My joy would be to bring them hope and peace in addition to a plain old grand adventure! Below are the first three chapters of Book One: Captured. Just in case you’re wondering, Book Two: The Chronicles of Bren: Sacrifice is with the editor even as you read this! Read on and see if you can catch a glimpse of my vision for this book series…and then, if you wouldn’t mind, tell others about how they can find a little hope and a little adventure themselves.

To purchase a paperback copy of Book One, go to

To purchase an eBook version, simply go to


April 2012

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Tulsa, Oklahoma - Dennis will be ministering this Saturday morning, April 28, at the Woodlake Church in Tulsa.  The event begins at 10:30 and is a benefit tea for Freedom House Teen Challenge of Tulsa. The address is Woodlake Church, 7100 East  31st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Springdale, Arkansas - April 28, this Saturday evening, 7 p.m., there will be a Night Of Praise in Springdale at the Friendship Baptist Church, 5359 East Robinson Avenue.  Dennis will also lead morning worship at 10:30 at the same church.

Chandler, Oklahoma - Finally, this Sunday evening, April 29th, there will be a Night Of Praise in Chandler at the First Assembly of God, 2100 E Hwy 66, Chandler, OK.  The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Don't forget about the song being offered for FREE at That song, I Will Run to the Arms of My Father, can be downloaded at This song was born while ministering at a recent conference in Houston with Jack Taylor and Bill Johnson. Be sure and read the song history as you download the new mp3. We think you’ll be encouraged as you read the story behind the song. Also, we would appreciate your helping in getting the music to your worship leader. Would you consider downloading a lead sheet and giving it to him or her for us? Of course, you can always send them the FREE mp3 whether you send them the lead sheet or not.


March 2012 Newsletter

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter

March 29, 2012


Next Generation Creative Institute – April 13-15!!!

Remember to sign up now for the upcoming NGCI – a weekend of worship, ministry, and inspiration in the home of Dennis and Melinda Jernigan. Whether you are a worship leader, song receiver, minister, creative type, or just want a fresh perspective on life, this quarterly gathering would greatly bless your life. If you cannot attend, consider sending someone you think might benefit from such a time of ministry. For more info, go to


Worship From the Living Room – Monday, April 2

This next Monday, Dennis will be sharing in worship and ministry from his own studio. Be sure to join the live broadcast online at 9 PM CST by logging in at Dennis will be sharing old favorites as well as some of the new songs the Lord has given him during the past week.

Free Song/MP3 of the Month Available on April 1st!

Dennis is SO VERY EXCITED about the song being offered for FREE at That song, I Will Run to the Arms of My Father, can be downloaded at This song was born while ministering at a recent conference in Houston with Jack Taylor and Bill Johnson. Be sure and read the song history as you download the new mp3. We think you’ll be encouraged as you read the story behind the song. Also, we would appreciate your helping in getting the music to your worship leader. Would you consider downloading a lead sheet and giving it to him or her for us? Of course, you can always send them the FREE mp3 whether you send them the lead sheet or not.


The first 50 people to order Dennis's new book "Chronicle of Bren: Captured"  will get a FREE "Hymns" CD.

APRIL SPECIAL:  "Here In Your Presence" CD and DVD both for $20.00


February 16,2012 Newsletter

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Join Dennis and Melinda in their home for a weekend of inspiration, refreshing, restoration, and healing. Go to for more information!

Thank You

Dennis wishes to thank each and every one who gave to help him get to the recent Exodus Leadership Conference in Orlando. Not surprisingly, the exact amount needed came in! Because of your faithfulness and encouragement, many lives for many years will be impacted. Thank you!

Help DJ Record

As you may or may not know, Dennis Jernigan has been an independent recording artist (no label or industry support) for many years now. Called to share his story and faithful to do so even when industry experts tell him this is not very marketable, he uses the music to encourage the hearts of hurting and broken people to cry out to God in honest, healing confession. Because of the nature of his story, people who typically avoid the church continually seek him out. DJ loves having the resources of his music to put in the hands and hearts of people who are embarking on the journey to freedom and wholeness in Christ because he knows the benefit intimate worship has been in his own life. If you know DJ at all, you know his heart. He believes that if you lead people to freedom in Christ that the natural response is one of worship. Dennis has a vision for a new recording, already having chosen the songs he feels are from the Lord for this project…but he needs your help. Jernigan is not an independently wealthy man, lol! He pays for each recording out of his own pocket and is glad to do so. We are simply asking you to help him with his next recording effort. Our goal is to raise $20,000.00 over the next three months. If you feel called to help in any way you can go here to be a part of this ongoing work of freedom and healing:

Thank you,

Staff of Dennis Jernigan and Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.


DJ Insider

You can become a part of supporting the work of ministry of Dennis Jernigan – leading people to freedom – by becoming a DJ Insider. For only $2.99 a month you receive many benefits of DJ’s vast ministry resources and help him in the process. For more info, go to



DJ remembers feeling rejected and completely clueless concerning his identity as a boy. But he also remembers how the Lord used fantasy to save his life and keep him searching for the truth. The book “Captured” is the realization of DJ’s call to help rescue and guide and remind young people that there is a greater destiny each is called to. “Captured” is appropriate for ages 12 through adult and can be purchased at Here is what one young man recently wrote to DJ about the book:

“Hey Mr. Jernigan, I am almost finished reading "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured" (When I meant I'm almost finished reading it I meant for the third time of reading it. Yes it is that good of a book.) and I had a few questions if I'm allowed to ask them. 1. How did you think of all the races of creatures and the characters names? 2. When is "Chronicles of Bren: Sacrifice" coming out? The 1st question was to kind of help me out by writing my own story. The 2nd question was to know when I'd be able to buy “Sacrifice”.”


Free MP3

Please get your FREE copy of the new worship song “He Is Holy” by going to and send all your friends there as well!



January 26, 2012 Newsletter

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter
January 26, 2012
• Galen Needs Your Help – and there’s a Gift in it For You!
• Special Offer
• DJ Available to Come to Your Area
• A Thought For Today

Galen Needs Your Help – and There’s a Gift in it For You!
Dear Friends,
My daughter, Galen, is now a sophomore at Oral Roberts University focusing on Leadership Studies with an emphasis in Music. In addition to her studies, she is involved in the International Worship Center (IWC) and is currently employed at a Christian bookstore in Tulsa. During her first semester at ORU, God has ignited her heart with a fresh desire for worship in her daily walk with Him. As a part of the IWC of ORU, Galen is serving on a Missions Team that will be going to Bali, Indonesia in May of this year to reach out to the people of that nation through music and sharing of faith. This team of 11 young people from all over the US consists of some of the most passionate-for-Jesus young people I have ever known.
As a part of that team, she needs to help raise money to get there.
As her dad, I am beyond proud of her for her heart to reach out to others in the love and name of Jesus. As a dad, hard economic times has drastically affected how much I am able to help her and her team get to Indonesia. But I am going to help all I can and would ask you to help these young people.
For donations of $10.00 or more I will send you a copy of Galen’s first recording (10 songs!). That recording is called ALL I NEED IS YOU and will be sent as a collection of mp3's to the email you designate when you give. We are helping not only Galen but also the entire Indonesia Team when we give. Following are two ways to donate to this cause:
Go to: then drop us an email at [email protected] let us know where to send the 10 mp3 files from Galen’s recording ALL I NEED IS YOU. (Any donation through this site will not be tax deductible.)

Go to: (be sure to designate the donation to Galen Jernigan and Team Indonesia) and then email Team Indonesia Leader, Ashley Holderness at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to let her know where to send Galen’s recording. (Any donation through this site will be tax deductible.)

Thank you!
Proud Papa DJ

Special Offer
The next 50 orders will receive a free copy of “Here In Your Presence"! To place an order go to:
Dennis will also be glad to sign each copy if requested!"

DJ Available to Come to Your Area
I have several open dates between now and May. If you would like for me to come and lead worship, share my story, or minister in your church or to your group, contact Kristopher Kay at 918-685-2268 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

A Thought For Today
“…Your love is great like a river…”
Today, let us get a bigger vision of God’s love for us. Due to our past failures/sin and wounds we have received at the hand of other wounded people, we often see the love of God through that skewed filter. Let us take God and His love out of that box we have placed Him in and let us view God’s love today as a mighty river, powerful and unending. See His capacity to love us as an unleashed deluge of power and grace that flows from that mighty river into an endless and unbounded ocean of sheer love for us. Drink deep. Plunge deep. Enjoy the flow…and allow it to carry you over the circumstances of life.
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3 NASB

You can receive devotions like this one daily via email by becoming a DJ Insider.

For more info, go to


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