Two Questions for Releasing Creativity -
I approach song receiving (and all creativity for that matter) with relationship in mind. Relationship is life. Without relationship there is no life. If we are creating to bless God and minister to others, there is a way we can build relationship through our creativity. When I approach ministry to others I simply ask two questions. One: Lord, would you give me insight into the needs of this person or group of people I am about to minister to as I receive this song? Two: Lord, would you allow me to feel toward them what You feel toward them? If I can approach my creativity with the needs of others in mind and, at the same time, have the compassion of THE Creator toward them on my heart and mind, I believe the Lord will allow me to go to places creatively that will set the captive free and heal a broken heart or release a deep joy in the heart of the person I am trying to reach. Be relationship-minded as you create today. And be prepared to walk relationally with hurting people – an watch your creativity expand exponentially as you focus on the Lord and upon the needs of others. -
The LORD is gracious and merciful;
Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.
The LORD is good to all,
And His mercies are over all His works.
Psalm 145:8-9 NASB

written by Janet Johnson , October 05, 2011
I LOVE your insights on shepherding the "flock". I used "Let Freedom Ring" this past July to inspire a flock God led me to organize and a "flock" of Burma refugees without a voice! It was SOOO powerful --we played it over and over!!I am compeled, by our dear Lord, to share this with you after an INCREDIBLE week of listening to your testimony, once again, on Inspiration and Sid Roth!! I have also been asked to head up ANOTHER conference through "US Campaign for Burma" ( and sense that the Lord has put a burden for the suffering in your heart. They are offering taped testimonies from refugees of Burma to give them a voice. Tom Tancredo has also been burdened with the suffering first in Sudan and now in Burm. He wants to help organize grass roots groups to pressure our government. If you would consider and pray about joining our event, I also will pray for wisdom and direction. I don't know that you will remember me but I just "happened" to be in Greeley, Colorado last fall when you gave a concert to the public at an events' center? I was blessed to meet you after and shared how you have impacted my life with your music for 10 years as I walk beside my gay brother, Chad, in love. "Blessings" to DJ, the Song Receiver, from a "Dot Connector" in God's Kingdom (-: