
DJ's Blog

Write in Your Own Key -

Sounds crazy, but sometimes we put the cart before the horse. We want to write something that will be congregational so as we are writing we place certain parameters on our passion. We think ‘Will this be in the proper key?’ or we think ‘Will this concept translate from my heart to the heart of the congregation?’ and in the process, we limit our own passion. When I am in receiving/writing mode, I always sing in the key that is most comfortable for me…in the range of my own abilities that lend themselves to the release of my personal passion. I do not worry about whether or not others will be able to sing in my key. I can transpose the key once the song is crafted. I do not think about whether people will understand the concept or not, I allow the crafting process to bring about the translation and I trust the Holy Spirit to lead people to understanding. In other words, I release my passion and receive what I receive then I do what is necessary to make the song as usable as possible for the body of Christ. Release your passion as your write and receive and watch the Holy Spirit help you craft it for the body in the process. -

My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Psalm 45:1 NASB

Lead Your Sheep to Goodness

Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life…

Psalm 23:6a NASB -

Just as we should receive and write from the King’s perspective concerning the hard times of life, we should also focus on what is good and right regardless of our circumstances. In other words, write from the good things life has bestowed upon you! If you receive good news concerning a certain area of your life, rejoice and write from that joy. If you are blessed with a good health report or a financial blessing, write from the joy it brings to your soul. If you have a specific prayer answered, write from the abundance of joy that floods your soul at such news. Always see life from God’s point of view. Write from what you have and not just from what you have lost. Attitude is everything…and our attitude should always be one of hope because we have a relationship with the Savior Who IS our hope…no matter what! -

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Philippians 4:8 NASB

Write From the Abundance of Your Own Soul

My cup overflows…

Psalm 23:5c -

It is a good thing to write and receive from your own pains, sorrows, and woundings, but it is just as good and helpful to others to write and receive from the abundance of your own soul. Even when going through hard times, it is the right thing to focus on what is good rather than the darkness. It is of vital importance that we learn to see and live our lives from the King’s perspective. When I am down, I focus on the fact that God will deliver me from the shadows of the lies of the enemy. When I feel betrayed, I focus on the One Who has my back even when others let me down. When I sorrow, I focus on what I have rather than on what I have lost. When we receive creatively we must remember to not always wallow in our sorrows but to also rejoice in all we have been given. Even if you lost everything but still had breath, you would have something to be thankful for. Even if faced with death, we have the reality of eternal life to give thanks for. Write and receive today from the abundance of your soul. -

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Philippians 4:8 NASB