
DJ's Blog

Something to Think About For the New Year

Daily Devotion - December 31, 2009

“…Merry Christmas from my heart – from my heart to you!...”

Receive this blessing from the Lord’s Word – from His heart – for you during the coming year…and be quick to bless others with these same gifts. Speak these truths often and loudly to your soul, to the enemy, and to the Lord…

I am…

…Dead to sin

…Born again

…Cleansed by the blood

…Alive to God

…A victorious runner of the race

…A child of destiny and purpose

…Eternally His



…Holy and righteous because He is holy and righteous

…An overcomer


…Crowned with victory


…Resurrected to new life

…A new creation

…A servant of the Most High God

…A mighty warrior


…A receiver of visions and dreams


…A trophy of grace

…A delight to my God


…A part of the Bride of Christ

…A Kingdom Seeker!!!!!!!

Seek the Kingdom first in the coming year…by seeking first the King. And walk in the identity He has formed you to be. Walk in your identity as a child of the King – a Kingdom Seeker.

But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR {God's} OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…

1 Peter 2:9 NASB

This devotion is from the book Daily Devotions For Kingdom Seekers by Dennis Jernigan and is available at You can also receive a new devotion via email each day by becoming a DJinsider.

Join Dennis and other worshipers for a night of thanksgiving, ministry, and rejoicing. Come expecting to meet with Almighty God and to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ! Come expecting to be filled, healed, refreshed, and inspired. Come expecting to go away changed!

When: December 31, 2009

Time: 10:00 PM until just after midnight

Where: Church 418 - located at…

120 East Peak Boulevard

Muskogee, Oklahoma 74403

Local hotel info for those coming from out of town who wish to find accommodations for the evening:

Hampton Inn Muskogee - (918) 682-2587

La Quinta Inn & Suites Muskogee - (918) 687-9000

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Muskogee - (918) 687-4224

Family Christmas 2009 - You Asked For It!

Daily Devotion - December 18, 2009

Daily Devotion - December 18, 2009

Listen to the song A Christmas Blessing from the recording A Jernigan Family Christmas

“…Merry Christmas I wish you…”

The word ‘merry’ is usually associated with Christmas due to the use of the phrase ‘merry Christmas’. The word merry literally means ‘full of joy’. When breaking down the word ‘Christmas' we are reminded that the word ‘Christ’ is literally the Son of God Who came as the Savior of mankind. The rest of the word ‘mas’ is a shortening of the word ‘mass’ which means ‘ceremony’ and can mean celebration. When we ‘wish’ something on someone, such as ‘we wish you a merry Christmas’ we are actually speaking a blessing upon them. To wish someone a merry Christmas is to say this: “I bless you with a joy-filled celebration of the Savior’! When I say merry Christmas I am blessing someone else with the hope that I have found. When you hear those words over the next few days, take them to heart and receive the blessing – whether those speaking it ‘get it’ or not! And in like manner, speak it as more than a perfunctory phrase. Mean it as a blessing to those you speak it to. You will find you receive a blessing when you give a blessing. It’s part of God’s economy – we reap what we sow!

Take time to consciously bless others as Christmas approaches. What better time to bless people with the hope of salvation than during the time when even the secular world is confronted with those simple little words ‘Merry Christmas’!

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

Romans 12:14 NASB

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Galatians 6:7 NASB

Excerpted from the new book by Dennis Jernigan called Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers available at

Daily Devotion - from December 11, 2009

“…O, come let us adore Him…”

When we worship the King we focus our entire being on the magnificence of His entire being. He is worthy of all our praise simply by virtue of Who He is! We cannot worship our God without also recognizing what He has done for us. When someone has rescued us – when our life has been saved from certain calamity or doom – we become very grateful and we tend to focus our attention on the One Who did the saving. That is good and that is right…especially as it pertains to our worship of Almighty God. Have you ever stoped to wonder just how God uses even our worship of Him for our own benefit? Here is one of my favorite Kingdom Truths: worship requires the focus of our entire being. When I worship, I must engage my mind…my emotions…my senses…my physical body in order to relate to my God in worship. The Kingdom Truth? When I am entirely consumed relationally in worship – my entire being engaged – there is no room for t he enemy or his lies! While worshiping the Lord the enemy is defeated and my identity is bathed in the truth of Who He is which, in turn, reminds me of who and of Whose I am! O, come let us adore and worship Him!

Use worship as one of the weapons of your warfare against the enemy and his lies in your life today. Exalt God and watch His glory invade your existence.

{Let} the high praises of God {be} in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations And punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains And their nobles with fetters of iron, To execute on them the judgment written; This is an honor for all His godly ones. Praise the LORD! Psalm 149:6-9 NASB

Excerpted from the new book by Dennis Jernigan called Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers available at

Silver and Gold - song video

A Christmas Blessing

Something Cool!

If you go to this web site,  you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!    It is FREE and it only takes a second. 
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?    Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them. 
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.    Please take the time to pass it on for others to do.  We can never say enough thank you's.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!