A reader posts this confession:
CONFESSION of Feeling Betrayed and Overwhelmed With Emotion
I am struggling with anger at the discovery that my husband is bulimic. I am a
mess of emotions and feeling betrayed.
GOD’S WORD on Betrayal and Emotion Distress
As for me, I shall call upon God,
And the LORD will save me.
Evening and morning and at noon,
I will complain and murmur,
And He will hear my voice.
He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle {which is} against me,
For they are many {who strive} with me.
God will hear and answer them—
Even the one who sits enthroned from of old-- Selah.
With whom there is no change,
And who do not fear God.
He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him;
He has violated his covenant [betrayed me].
His speech was smoother than butter,
But his heart was war;
His words were softer than oil,
Yet they were drawn swords.
Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Psalm 55:16-22 NASB
In my trouble [distress]
I cried to the LORD,
And He answered me. Psalm 120:1 NASB

written by cindy , January 16, 2009
I lie sometimes about my age. I am bitter about prosperity and gold dust preachers. I watch bad tv sometimes like desperate housewives. I watched a horror movie the other night and then repented. I am bitter against church leaders for the most part. I am tired of worshipping the Lord and don't do it so much nowadays. I have so much pride in me I have stopped worshipping because it is always the same thing: I worship, God shows me my pride, and I never change. So it's easier not to worship. I am tired of being a failure Christian.

written by cindy , January 16, 2009
I used to have bulemia. Chances are your husband needs to control his life and does it through bulemia. He may have some deep wounds. This bulemia
is devastating. Instead of feeling bitter about it, look through it and love him. It's now exposed for a reason. Also, once a person has yielded to the demons behind vomiting, they must be cast out. Bulemia has a demon spirit behind it. I know, I was delivered.
But after my deliverance I had to choose to walk freedom out. I fell a few times and threw up but after about three years I was totally free. Bulemics feel a need to control and maybe that their lives are out of control so they throw up. Of course, physical appearance plays a part in many cases as people want to be thin and are having difficulty with this.