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written by Jason , February 21, 2009
A couple of years ago, a friend of mine, another worship leader/song writer who you know as well told you about me. I had shared my struggle with homosexuality with him and told him how lonely and desperate I had become. After hearing from him about me, you sent me a very nice email and offered to send me "Giant Killers". A couple of weeks later I received the book with your note. I can't tell you what it meant (and still means) to me that you took the time to do that.
The last couple of years have been a series of ups and downs, a major struggle -- a war, really. I have fallen several times, but I still cling to the hope and belief that I can be free. As my journey goes on and on and I get farther away from my past and closer to Jesus I realize how true His Word truly is and how compassionate he is for placing people like you in this world to be a light.
Thank you for this song and all the others. Thank you for being honest and true. Thank you for being who you are and for knowing WHO'S you are.
May God continue to richly bless you!

written by Holly , February 16, 2009
Dearest song receiver, Dennis. It's like you opened up my heart, found it's deepest woundings and fledgling freedom and set it to music.
In walking with my husband in this new found freedom beyond sexual brokeness, this song reminds me of all the ways I tried to fix things on my own...and failed misrably.
"If I trust in me, I lead me straight to hell."
I've been there, brother.
"Lord, You are All in All! Everything I need! I surrender to Your mercy! Set me free! You are All in All and it's plain to see my only Hope is You alone!
Deliver me."
I've put my hope in 12 steps and used them to 2-step around the issues in my heart. I've put my hope in others testimonies, like your's and tried to use them like butterfly band-aids over a gaping wound.
But when I finally got sick of the charades to family and friends and decided to get real with myself and looked to the Lord alone for deliverance...
...Deliverance came.
And now, it would be easy to put my hope in deliverance. And even THAT is not the answer. Only Christ. Always, only Christ - every day.
Deliverance is not a one time deal.
Old co-dependant me would like it to be a one time deal, so that I can go back to relying on myself again. But I crucify it daily, that I may rely upon the hope of Christ alone.
And every day, my heart's cry is the same.
"Deliver me."
Thank you Dennis.

written by ricky1958 , February 11, 2009
My Brother In Christ, Dennis. I have listened to this song several times already. What a song, My Friend. It is so anointed and know that God, will use it to minister to men and woman's hearts , as you have shared from your heart that Deliverance and Hope are only from Jesus Christ. Your in my prayers as you are continually seeking The Lord, and as you are a vessel to be used for HIS Glory. Your a blessing to me. I love you in Jesus Christ Our Precious Lord and Saviour! Ricky
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