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written by Roger Johnson , March 16, 2009
Awesome song! I have collected a number of your CDs since discovering your ministry over five years ago...the year I started my own journey out of homosexuality. I have literally spent hours listening to your music. Those songs with special meaning to me I have even ordered your soundtracks and sung some of them at my church. While with the exception of my wife, few others know the difficult path I've traveled, I find in being able to sing your songs for others brings a little bit of healing to my own life each and everytime. Thank you so much for being real and for allowing God to use you to touch so many lives like my own. I am just one of many that you have blessed I know. I feel like I know you and yet I've never met you. I may never have that opportunity in this life, but I will be eagar to meet you in heaven someday and thank you personally for what you have meant to my life. Your mother's maiden name and my last name happen to be the same. Who knows we may be related somehow. I don't know and it does not matter. I know you are my brother in Christ and that's the most precious relationship of all. Thanks again for sharing your life. It has made a difference for me.
Roger, March 16, 2009

written by Debyzee , March 11, 2009
Dear Sir,
Tonight at our choir rehearsal our music director shared this video with us as our devotional. When it was over there was a Holy quietness that came over the room as we relfected on this song. As I write this now, I have joyful tears running down my face. Your song "Relentless" has brought back to me fresh and anew the "agape" love that Jesus has for me. This has challenged me to go forth with more strength and might to witness for our Lord and Savior. Thank you.
Debbie, March 11, 2009 Baltimore

written by Leah , March 08, 2009
The Lord just brought me to you and your website today as I mentioned in the email. Just wanted to let you know how much I love how you share and sing on this blog! Awesome...God uses you mightily. My problem is trying to decide which cd to buy first!

written by Tom Drake , March 03, 2009
Dear Brother Jernigan,
Just 2 weeks ago my 18 year old son told us he believes he is gay and that he has meet someone on the enternet and plans to leave home this friday to be with this person. My family and pastor have been trying to speak and advise him with no avail. I was just given your name and website yesterday and after reading it I realize my son is just like you. I loves music and has song in many different choirs. I believe that he is just confused and that satan has ahold of him. I plan on sharing this web site with him in the morning and pray that God will use it as a tool to help him. I believe that God has big plans for him.
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