I am sitting here today meditating on all God would have me share at the Freedom Conference this weekend. As I do this, I cannot help but remember all He has done to get me to where I am today...and the honest truth is I feel I have only touched the tip of the iceberg - a drop in the ocean - of all He is.
Even though I have been on this journey toward freedom for over 27 years now, I feel so inadequate to minister to those who will attend. But somehow I am finding great comfort in that very thing! How can that be? Well, such thoughts leave me utterly dependent upon the Lord for His strength and wisdom as I go into this time of ministry. Reality is that I feel that way most of the time!
My comfort comes in knowing that in those moments where my human frailty meets with His divine wisdom and love I have the magnificent honor of sharing His love and wisdom through the unique prism of my life. My life is simply one among billions the Lord loves deeply...and for a few brief moments in earthly time I get to share what He has done for me with a few souls who are all seeking what I seek...to Know Him and to be known by Him. Intimacy. We all crave it whether we believe it or not.
It is so good to find my deepest needs for intimacy all met with One Who will not leave me or forsake me. Therein lies my Hope...my Freedom...my Security...my Source. It is in that intimacy that I have anything at all to give anyone else.

written by Wanda Ross , January 18, 2009
Just to affirm DJ's ministry... a friend and I discovered DJ's music through "Let it Rain" in 1993 and used in a "come as you are..." Bible study for women that year. Of course I purchased a cassette in 1993 and completely wore it out! Through the years I continued to purchase DJ's music (on cd!) and shared in many other groups settings. When DJ's music first began to be used in corporate worship, I felt as if a Secret had been shared with the world! I've recently re-purchased the mp3 version of "Let It Rain" and find the words of the old familiar songs to be as soothing and life-affirming today as they were when I first heard them in '93. DJ's experiences with the Living God are so powerful, others want to know (an be known by) this same God. I pray his ministry will continue to be blessed beyond measure as he continues to reach out to a hurting world through his music and his conference ministry.

written by Randy Thomas , January 15, 2009
Amen. I will pray for you and your time at the conference.

written by Vanessa Dolby , January 15, 2009
Wow Dennis--what a great blog. It's so true that we have to completely depend on Him. I find myself in that same position every time I lead worship. Wanting to know Him and be known by Him and wanting desperately for those I lead to want the same thing. And in those times when I feel completely inadequate or even unqualified to lead, those are the times when God chooses to blow into the worship time and make Himself known. I'm constantly in awe of His grace and mercy and love. Blessings