The storm over same-sex marriage has ended, but in many ways, the need for ministry has heightened. The reality is that I am contacted weekly by people desiring freedom from SSA - or any number of issues relating to a desire for freedom - but because of the current cultural climate, find it politically incorrect to admit they do not desire to be the way they are. I remember as a young man; I longed for someone to tell me freedom was possible…and no one ever did.
I come in contact with people in similar situations, who will never darken the door of a church…but they will read my story…they will listen to a song of hope from the life of one who was in a situation familiar to them. My plan? To keep telling what Jesus has done for me until my dying breath…
This new album will have songs that are born out of my own walk with God—out of my own struggles. Along the journey of my life, I have found freedom in Christ! He has continued to talk with me and has continued to inspire music.
Will you help me produce my next ministry tool called DJ Classics?
Go to to find out more. And please share that link on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or with your friends.
Dennis Jernigan