Here is a sample of the daily devotions you will receive by becoming a DJ Insider: Jesus is King, but not just king. He is King of KINGS! That means He rules and reigns over everything! If we are who He says we are then we, too, rule and reign over everything that comes against us! Let us walk - live, think, and breathe - like servants of the most high King! Let us choose wisely. Let us care deeply. Let us love freely. Let us change the atmosphere of any place we find ourselves by simply believing we are who He says we are!
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
Revelation 19:16 NASB
This devotion is from the daily devotion series DJ Insiders receive each and every day via email. If you are ministered to by these devotional thoughts, consider becoming a DJ Insider. For info, go to