Write Just For the Fun of It
Even though the subject matter of my life tends to lead me to deep places of dire and serious ministry, I sometimes write what I feel just for the sheer joy of it! In order to go to the depths to which ministry requires I go sometimes to reach a hurting soul, I fill my own soul with joy. I recently wrote a song using the ukulele – just for the sheer fun I knew that instrument would lend to a song of joy! That song is called Might as Well Be Happy and came during one of those silly moments of human fun that was infused with God’s anointing for a song! Do you take time to fill your soul with joy and laughter? My serious, ministerial songs are always born out of a joyful soul that allows me the grace to reach to the depths such a song requires me to go. Spend time writing a silly song today and see if God is not just as concerned with blessing you as when you are in pain or sorrow! It’ll do you good!
A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22 NASB

written by VJRC , August 20, 2011
RE:8-16-11 posting, comment Thank you for being a Conduit/Vessel Of Honor that God has used to be an unbelievable BLESSING to me in my life. The Lord has used you to be His mouthpiece of knowledge and healing to me today...this posting answered the very ? that I have just recently asked God. I have written before, but for some unknown reason, they have not sent. Thanks for being a "Beacon of Hope", and "Flavorful Salt", to so many that you are not even aware of. May the Lord help you to remain so very transparent and honest in your walk with Him, so that others (as well as myself) may be encouraged and blessed!!