What’s Going On With DJ?
If your life has been in someway affected by something the Lord has done through my life message or ministry, would you consider helping me get the good news of freedom and hope out to countless others? At times I become a bit fearful when I look at the world and how much it hates what we stand for. Daily I face some sort of opposition to my story. You would think people would be happy for me, but reality is many people are angry that I am free! Still, my goal is to convey the Truth in love. At this stage of the journey, God has not given me any indication other than to keep telling my story and letting Him worry about the hearts of those who fiercely oppose it.
Why do I share this? I honestly need your help. Before my story is made illegal to share (and that is next on the enemy’s agenda, mark my word) I want to get it out to as many as possible...but I am an independent artist, meaning I have no label to financially help me produce new recordings nor do I have a mega-church supporting what I am called to do. I am a simple pastor to several families in my home who takes what God does there and passes it on to the world. I would humbly ask for your help in the following projects.
New Recording
I and my producer, Ryan Redding, are working on a brand new recording I am calling DAYS OF AWE. My goal is to have it mixed and ready to go by October! When I began asking the Lord what songs needed to be on this recording one word kept echoing through my mind: EPIC. You’ll understand when you hear it. God is epic in nature...and I wanted the songs to reflect that epic-ness in every way possible. The music is being produced with an epic feel and orchestration. Why should Hollywood have all the epic music? Even with the most intimate songs on the recording we have tried to capture an epic-ness of intimacy!
If you know me, you know my heart for intimacy with God and how I long for others to know that same intimacy. People may see me as a worship leader, or singer, or song receiver, but I see myself as a minister commissioned to tell my story in order for others trapped in bondage to know there is a way out. Almost daily I encounter people who ask for help in finding freedom. I will continue to do that very thing. Would you help me in that endeavor?
Since I am an independent artist - no label backing - I would humbly ask for your help in finishing this project. We need $20,000 to fully fund the recording and mixing process.
To give, go to http://www.dennisjernigan.com/how-to-support-the-work-of-dennis-jernigan
Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia Ministry Trip
Melinda and I have been invited to come to Malaysia and minister in several churches this October and November. The churches we will be dealing with long for the message of freedom and for the worship music but cannot afford to fly me there. While in the region, we will also go to Singapore and minister for 4 days and from there we will end our trip in Australia ministering in a few churches and seeing our daughter, Hannah, and her husband Ashley. The flights from Singapore to Australia and from Australia to America are covered. We need help for the Malaysia segment for flights there, accommodations, and meals for two weeks so as to be as little a burden on the body of Christ there as possible.
To cover as many expenses as possible I am asking you to help me raise $10,000 for the Malaysia trip by September 15th.
To give, go to http://www.dennisjernigan.com/how-to-support-the-work-of-dennis-jernigan
To complete the recording and to fund the ministry trip to the South Pacific, we will need a total of $30,000 by September 15th.
Update on SING OVER ME - the Dennis Jernigan Story - Movie and Book
So many of you gave toward the documentary of my life. Every single penny of that $40,000 raised has gone directly into the production of that film. I just watched the first rough cut...and could not stop crying as I watched the most sweet telling of my story at the hands of Jacob and Ashlyn Kindberg, director and producer respectively. I cannot wait for the world to see it! It is my belief that millions - yes, millions - of people will be affected by this project. In addition, several weeks ago I completed the work on my autobiography, SING OVER ME - the Dennis Jernigan Story. I will be presenting it to a publisher sometime during the next two weeks.
Please pray for favor with those who could give the film distribution in theaters and elsewhere. And follow the making of the film along with other updates at https://www.facebook.com/singovermemovie?fref=ts
You can actually watch a short clip of the film at http://youtu.be/yOgBIW-WjM8
What you get when you give:
Gifts of $10 or more will receive DAYS OF AWE before the rest of the world!
Gifts of $50 or more will receive the CD & an autographed print of the title song
Gifts of $100 will receive 3 autographed CDs plus all the above-mentioned items
Gifts of $500 will receive all the above items and have their name listed on the CD as a contributor
Gifts of $1000 will receive all above items and will also be invited to a meet & greet (travel and lodging at your own expense) at the Jernigan farm - dinner and fellowship. That means my son-in-law, Kristopher, will smoke brisket and chicken! We will end the evening with a time of worship in my living room!

written by Lamech MInga B.Stewart , November 29, 2014
Hi my name is Lamech Minga Beina Stewart. I'm 45 and have been fight some sex attraction from the age of five. I was molested by a teenage neighbor. I learned things a boy should never have to know. I know I wasn't born gay. But I lacked the love of my dad who seem to be able to love ever one but me. He is a pastor and is to this day very busy with his own life. Well thank God he has always been chased after me. And I'm growing to know Him as Abba Father. As I fight to become every thing He has made me though Christ, I still have times of weakness. Today was one if those day's. I almost Went back to and old lover that I thought would affirm me in my pain. Instead Abba lead me to Dennis Jernigan. D J and I have so much in command. We both write music for Abba Farther. Except you play the piano much better than me. What a gift the Father has given you. Your testimony is very encouraging. My prayer is that I will experience the some freedom. And Abba will cover me in He's love so much that I will never need the touch of a man to affirm me as a man. So I will rest here in my Father's arm's and grow in his grace. My Abba keep on blessing you more and more. Thank you for your life.

written by Debbie Ogrodnick , August 21, 2013
I don't even know where to begin....
I'm a huge fan of our Lord Jesus Christ and grateful for His servant Dennis Jernigan

Having been introduced to your music and story by one of our pastors (at Prince Albert Alliance Church in Saskatchewan Canada) many, many years ago, "When the Night is Falling" became an instant favorite. The Lord meets me each time I hear it and I listen to it a lot.
Married at the age of 19 (37 years ago) I've never travelled the road of unwanted same sex attraction or gay lifestyle, it's just never been my world, yet I'm drawn to those whose brokenness does include that.
On November 23 this year we're hosting a conference called "When Gay Comes Home". My friend, Wilna Van Beek has a similar journey to yours. As the planning has come together we knew that having worship through music would be part of this event, particularly your songs....and some of your story will likely make it's way into the conference as we create a link to your website.
Wilna's website is not quite up and running, but will be soon. Your passion and her passion is similar. What He calls you to He will equip you for.
I guess I'm sending this to you to say NEVER GIVE UP in doing what God has called you to do in serving Him. Truly there is no life like it....not easy, but no life like it.