
DJ's Blog

New Photos

Go here to see pics from my recent trip to Ridgecrest, NC and the LifeWay Worship Conference!!/photos.php?id=507304776

One of the most requested ministry tools for Dennis Jernigan is to have his testimony of freedom from same sex attraction available on DVD. We are so excited to announce to you that we have a brand new updated version of his story…on DVD!

On April 11, 2010, Dennis led out in worship and ministry at White Oak Worship Center in Blairs, VA. During the Night of Praise, DJ not only led out in worship but also shared an extended telling of his story. White Oak Worship Center has very graciously helped produce a DVD of what unfolded that evening. We are calling the new DVD "Dennis Jernigan LIVE at White Oak".

In addition to his story, Dennis leads out in worship that was also captured during the evening’s events. At the end of this announcement you will find a complete list of the music also contained on this very special DVD. During the course of what transpired that evening, Dennis ministered to those dealing with grief, the healing of memories, as well as those desiring freedom from bondage. This very special DVD would be a wonderful tool for ministry regardless of whether those who view it struggle with same sex attraction or not. If you desire more freedom in your life, this DVD will bring hope to continue seeking Jesus for that freedom. If you desire to simply be refreshed in God’s presence, this DVD will help usher you into an awareness of God’s presence and power.

If you would like a copy of the DVD, simply call 1-800-877-0406 and order your DVD today. All we ask is that if you cannot pay the full price that you limit your order to one DVD. Our price is simple. We want no one to be denied access to the ministry found on this DVD so we are making it available for $15.00…OR whatever you can afford. We ask only that you pay for shipping and handling if that is all you can afford. Any money given above the cost of shipping and handling will help us continue to make this ministry DVD available to others who cannot afford the suggested price of $15.00.

Would you help us get the message of freedom out to as many as possible? Would you consider telling all your friends, church leadership, counselors, small group leaders, Facebook Friends, Twitter Friends, and others about this new DVD? We believe freedom in Christ is possible and we want as many as possible to hear the Good News! Your good word to others will go a long way in helping us do just that. Thank you ahead of time for helping us seek the Kingdom by seeking the King!


Dennis Jernigan/Shepherd’s Heart Music Staff

To order online:


Dennis Jernigan LIVE at White Oak

Let Us Rejoice

Great is the Lord Almighty

Hallelujah! He Reigns in Majesty

Come, King Jesus

You Are My All in All

All I Need is You (Special guest appearance by Galen Jernigan)

When the Night is Falling

Passionate Obsession

I Will Be There

Watching Over You

I Cry Holy

Who Can Satisfy My Soul

Dennis’ Testimony

It’s Gonna Be Alright

This Is My Destiny

I Belong to Jesus

Thank You

Dear Insiders,

Wonderful news! I just posted the title song from my new recording for you to download from the New Song section! I will be posting a video shortly. Enjoy the material and let otehrs know the new LIVE recording is on its way very soon!!!!



FREE mp3

Yesterday's FREE mp3 download expired far too soon due to the number who tried to download we have created a new link. Read yesterday's blog called 'Forty Days & Forty Nights' to get the new updated link.

Due to several factors (two surgeries in March, live recording in April, attacks due to my testimony (both from inside and outside the church), and the bottom-line need to get back to my first love), I went on a 40 day fast. From May 3 until June 12 I fasted and waited on the Lord. To help me through the fast I used a book written by my dear friend, Dean Briggs. That book is called Forty Days & Forty Nights: Fasting Toward Repentance and Rebirth. This book is a collection of daily meditations to grow in the discipline of 40 day fasting. Dean asked me if I would seek the Lord for a song for each day of the fast to go with his book as a companion piece. What a wonderful ride those 40 days became. The book, full of insight and wisdom, was a wonderful guide to help me gain levels of freedom and cleansing my soul desperately needed. I can’t wait for you to read it…whether you fast for a day or a week or for one meal, the book would be a wonderful addition to your life as a follower of Jesus Christ…useful for daily meditation on several levels.

Each day I rose with great expectation and anticipation of meeting with God in intimacy. Each day’s song was a breath of fresh air to my soul. The book and the 4 CD set will be available soon! When I release the entire collection I will tell more about what I experienced during those 40 days. Today I just wanted to tell you about one of the songs. I am giving away the song I received on day 2. From now until July 2 you can download the song called Breathe for FREE!

Please tell all your friends. All I ask is that, if you have not already done so, you sign up to receive my newsletter. By doing so you will be notified when the book and entire CD collection are available.



To receive your FREE mp3 of the song Breathe, go to:


Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan

Received on May 4, 2010

Psalm 40:1b; Matthew 6:18

©2010 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc./Dennis Jernigan

Verse One

I don’t even know what I need

All that I know is that I need You

The hunger and thirst of my heart?

All that I know is I need You

Like a child needs a Father

I need You

Like a desert needs the water

I need You


Lean so close that I feel You breathe

Lean so close You quench this thirst in me

Lean so close You loose these chains in me

Set me free…

So I can breathe…

Verse Two

The world has grown so dark I can’t see

Reminding me just how much that I need You

Much more than the air that I breathe

All that I know is I need You

Like a child needs a Father

I need You

Like a desert needs the water

I need You

Repeat Chorus

Everything to Me

Please Help if You Can

Help me get the word out about Galen Jernigan’s new recording. Go to the iTunes store & search for her name. Please rate the album, buy it, and spread the word! This would mean a great deal to me. If you cannot buy it at least listen to the samples and rate what you hear. This will help us in getting the word out about Galen and her music. God is already building a deep heart for ministry in my daughter. Please help me launch this new artist for the Kingdom.

Papa J

This Is My Destiny

Get Honest

You may have noticed I have not posted any Get Honest blogs in a while. The need is almost overwhelming...but I do answer each and every one of them as time allows. As of late, most of the emails received via Get Honest require more of a response than I can give via email. That being said, please join me in asking the Lord for wisdom as to how best minister to those who write. That would mean a great deal to me.



Exodus Update and Prayer Request

The following letter is from my friend and brother in Christ, Alan Chambers. Alan is president of Exodus International. I thought some of you might be interested in his letter...



Dear Exodus Family,

I am not sure what life is like for each of you, your families and ministries in this season but if it is anything like what we are experiencing in Orlando then you are in need of some help! It isn't unusual for us to come under attack during the height of conference planning and our response is always the same: PRAY!

Today has been nearly overwhelming for me personally as my longtime hero, Dawson McAllister, caved to pressure from Clear Channel Communications to cut ties with Exodus. For those of you who don't know much about my personal story, Dawson led me (personally) to Exodus 20 years ago. Dawson was grieved over the full frontal assault by gay activists that led to his board cutting ties (for now, he said) but he cut ties nonetheless. Sadly, the kids who call into his show for help with their ssa struggles will be met with silence. It's a dark day in the Church when we cave in on what we know to be true.

The story of Jennifer Knapp came out this week, too, taking a devastating toll on so many who will look to her as a Christian icon and consider that her way is the right way.

And then there are the everyday stories--the parents praying for their kids, families ravaged after a father leaves his family for another name it. It's discouraging and overwhelming.

We know the end of the story, though. God will be glorified and the King of Kings will return for His spotless Bride. WE WIN. Until then we must pray. When we have nothing else we have something better than anything else---our relationship with the Creator of the Universe who is never caught off guard or discouraged.

All of this to say, would you consider joining the Exodus International staff in a daily prayer time? We pray ever day, M-TH at 9am sharp. While it is not possible for all of you to call in, we can simply agree together in spirit. If you would commit to praying with us each morning at 9am EST that would be amazing. Pray for your fellow leaders, your ministry, the upcoming Freedom, Leadership and Love Won Out conferences, Jennifer Knapp, Dawson, the 155 million people involved throughout the world in homosexuality, the EGA ministries worldwide, the upcoming EXLA Conference in Costa Rica, and whatever else the Lord brings to mind.

It is time for this movement to unite in prayer for a world in need of the Savior. Amen?

I look forward to hearing your, "Yes, I will pray with you, Alan!"

All for the Kingdom.


Alan Chambers President Exodus International

PH: 407.599.6872 FX: 407.599.0011 [email protected]