
February 2014 Newsletter

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February 28, 2014

Please join us for the premiere of the Sing Over Me Documentary! 

Dennis will be part of the live event at Eastwood Baptist in Tulsa with simulcast events all over Oklahoma!

  Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee
  Olivet Baptist Church in Oklahoma City
  Abiding Harvest Church in Broken Arrow
  Boulevard Christian Church in Muskogee
  Emmanuel Enid in Enid
  First Baptist Church in Durant

  For tickets and more information go to

Prayer Request

I have three things I would ask that you cover in pray.  First, this past week I had interviews with Oklahoma's 2 largest newspapers.  I had a great interview with The Daily Oklahoman and it should be in the Sunday or weekend edition. She had done her homework and knew me from an interview I did last year after the Governor asked me to minister at the Memorial Service for the victims of the May 2013 tornadoes in OK. She told me her editors were requiring her to speak with detractors as well. I told her I expected as much and that I was fine with that.  The interviewer from The Tulsa World asked me why I would share my story when it was so politically incorrect. I told him I shared because I remember hoping someone would tell me change was possible when I was a young man...and no one ever did...and that I shared for those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction to know they can seek God for their identity. Please pray for the interviewers who will now turn around and write the story...that God would be glorified above all and that people's hearts would be turned toward Jesus.  THANK YOU for praying! I could not do this without you. We are the body...

Secondly, please pray for all those who are skeptical who will see the film and/or read the book that the truth of Jesus would set them free to experience the abundance of life found in knowing Jesus. People often tell me I am not really changed - just suppressing who I really am. That's the furthest thing from the truth. I am utterly, irrevocably who my Father says I am...and I am changed.

Lastly, join me in prayer over the entire Sing Over Me movie and book teams…that fear would be replaced with perfect love.  Pray for protection and grace to minister for the 7 Oklahoma churches that will be hosting the simulcast of the documentary. And pray for those who curse the film and book. Ask the Lord to open their eyes and their minds to THE Truth of Jesus and His ability to heal. Ask Him to give you love for them and to help you see them as He does.




July 2013 Newsletter

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter - July 29, 2013
New Recording and South Pacific Ministry - and a Film Update

What’s Going On With DJ?
If your life has been in someway affected by something the
Lord has done through my life message or ministry, would you
consider helping me get the good news of freedom and
hope out to countless others? Here are two major projects
I am trying to fund to help me do just that (as well as an
update on the film Sing Over Me). Read on for more info.

New Recording
I and my producer, Ryan Redding, are working on a brand
new recording I am calling DAYS OF AWE. My goal is to
have it mixed and ready to go by October! When I began
asking the Lord what songs needed to be on this recording
one word kept echoing through my mind: EPIC.
You’ll understand when you hear it. God is epic in nature...and
I wanted the songs to reflect that epic-ness in every way possible.
The music is being produced with an epic feel and orchestration.
Why should Hollywood have all the epic music? Even with
the most intimate songs on the recording we have tried to
capture an epic-ness of intimacy!

If you know me, you know my heart for intimacy with God
and how I long for others to know that same intimacy.
People may see me as a worship leader, or singer, or
song receiver, but I see myself as a minister commissioned to
tell my story in order for others trapped in bondage to
know there is a way out - and His name is Jesus. Almost
daily I encounter people who ask for help in finding freedom.
I will continue to do that very thing. Would you help me in
that endeavor?Since I am an independent artist - no label
backing - I would humbly ask for your help in finishing this project.

We need $20,000 to fully fund the recording
and mixing process. To give, go to  here.

See end of this newsletter to find out what you get when you give...

Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia Ministry Trip
Melinda and I have been invited to come to Malaysia and minister in
several churches this October and November. The churches we
will be dealing with long for the message of freedom and for the
worship music but cannot afford to fly me there. While in the
region, we will also go to Singapore and minister for 4 days and
from there we will end our trip in Australia ministering in a few
churches and seeing our daughter, Hannah, and her husband
Ashley. The flights from Singapore to Australia and from
Australia to America are covered. We need help for the
Malaysia segment for flights there, accommodations, and
meals for two weeks so as to be as little a burden on the
body of Christ there as possible.

To cover as many expenses as possible I am asking you to
help me raise $10,000 for the Malaysia trip by September 15th.

To give, go to here.
To complete the recording and to fund the ministry trip
to the South Pacific,
we will need a total of $30,000 by September 15th.

See end of this newsletter to find out what you get when you give...

What you get when you give:

Gifts of $15 or more will receive DAYS OF AWE
before the rest of the world!

Gifts of $50 or more will receive the CD & an
autographed print of the title song

Gifts of $100 will receive 3 autographed CDs
plus all the above-mentioned items

Gifts of $500 will receive all the above items and
have their name listed on the CD as a contributor

Gifts of $1000 will receive all above items and
will also be invited to a meet & greet (travel and
lodging at your own expense) at the Jernigan
farm - dinner and fellowship. That means my
son-in-law, Kristopher, will smoke brisket and
chicken! We will end the evening with a time of
worship in my living room!

Update on SING OVER ME - the Dennis Jernigan
Story - Movie and Book

So many of you gave toward the documentary of my
life. Every single penny of that $40,000 raised has
gone directly into the production of that film. I just
watched the first rough cut...and could not stop crying
as I watched the most sweet telling of my story at the
hands of Jacob and Ashlyn Kindberg, director and
producer respectively. I cannot wait for the world to
see it! It is my belief that millions - yes, millions - of people
will be affected by this project. In addition, several
weeks ago I completed the work on my autobiography,
SING OVER ME - the Dennis Jernigan Story. I will be
presenting it to a publisher sometime during the next two weeks.

Please pray for favor with those who could give
the film distribution in theaters and elsewhere.
And follow the making of the film along with
other updates at

You can actually watch a short clip of the film  here.


January 25, 2013 Conference Details

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Inner Healing Conference

   with Dennis Jernigan & Friends
   June 20-22, 2013 - Muskogee, OK

How to Find Healing for Your Soul and Discover Your True Identity, Calling, and Purpose in Life in the Process
• Do you have past or current wounds you need healing for?
• Do you have hidden sin you don’t even know how to begin to deal with?
• Are you riddled with guilt or shame and do not see a way out?
• Has life turned out less than you had expected?
• Do you struggle with unwanted same sex attraction?
• Does your spouse struggle with hidden battles like same sex attraction or pornography?
• Do you fear it’s too late for you to change or to see your dreams come to pass?
• Do you constantly flounder your way through life hoping to one day find a reason you are here?
• Would you like to know how to take the worst failures of your life and see them transformed
   into monuments of God’s grace and glory?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, this conference is for you.

The Inner Healing Conference 2013 is more than just a series of teaching sessions.
Each keynote address by the conference speakers will be accompanied by
opportunities to receive healing and cleansing and renewal.

You’ll hear from:
altDennis Jernigan - Married to Melinda for 29 years, father of nine,
and minister to hurting people all over the world, Dennis has been walking in freedom from
unwanted same sex attraction for 31 years. You’ll hear his story and other episodes of
specific healing he has gone through and he will share on how to live an abundant life by learning
how to live life from a Kingdom learning why it is important to know
Whose you are and more fully walk in the awareness of who you are in Christ.
altMelinda Jernigan - married to Dennis and mother of those nine children,
Melinda has her own story to tell and will speak specifically to women as to how
to bring health and healing to a marriage and to a home.
altDani Jernigan - Daughter-in-law of Dennis and Melinda, wife to Israel,
and minister to hundreds of girls in Germany, Dani has gone through inner healing of great loss
in her own life and freely shares her hurts and the process of healing as she has experienced
in the hope of helping others through their own battles with loss.
Dani will also be addressing how to deal with shame.
altaltDean and Jeanie Briggs - Dean lost his first wife,
Amy, to cancer, leaving him and his four children in deep sorrow. Jeanie lost her first husband, Ray,
in an auto accident, leaving her and her four children in the throes of grief.
Through the process of walking out their grief, God brought Dean and Jeanie together and
they were married, making them the parents of eight. Dean and Jeanie have endured
so much in their lives and have walked through much pain and loss...and are messengers of
God’s amazing grace as a result. What they bring to the conference is much more than
comfort for sorrow. They bring a Kingdom perspective on how to live life abundantly in spite of life’s circumstances.

Topics and Specific Wounds That Will Be Addressed:

• Abuse
• Shame
• Betrayal and Forgiveness
• Temptation
• Loss and Grief
• Infertility
• Miscarriage
• Broken Hearts
• Crushed Dreams
• Divorce
• Emotional Recovery From Abortion
• Proper Use of Emotions
• How to See and Relate to God as Father
• Family members of those who struggle with same sex attraction - how to minister to those who struggle
• The Importance of Relationship and How to Build Bridges

There will be breakout sessions for men and women with DJ and Dean teaching the men
and Melinda, Jeanie, and Dani sharing with the women.

(No childcare provided.)
Conference Registration

To keep cost as low as possible, we have chosen to keep the conference registration fee
at $100 per person and $150 per couple.
We understand there are travel expenses and
food and lodging costs involved. For groups of 10 or more the price is $75 per person.

Early Signing Bonus

Be one of the first 100 people to register for the conference and you will receive: 

• A special meet and greet reception and Q & A time with Dennis and Melinda on Saturday
  morning of the conference, complete with continental breakfast, juice, and coffee.
• A signed bonus demo CD of DJ’s new recording (as yet to be that’s pretty special!)


For those requiring air travel, you may find inexpensive fares to these three airports and then drive to Muskogee:
• Tulsa International -
• Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport -
• Oklahoma City -

Conference Location

Boulevard Christian Church
1700 West Shawnee Street Muskogee, OK 74401
(918) 682-7822


Hotels in or near Muskogee: here

Conference Schedule

June 20-22, 2013
Thursday Evening 7 - 10 PM    - Dennis Jernigan
Friday Morning 9AM - Noon - Dean & Jeanie Briggs
Noon - 2PM    -Lunch
Friday Afternoon 2PM - 5PM    - Men’s & Women’s Breakout Sessions
                                                  Dani Jernigan, Jeanie Briggs, Melinda Jernigan - Women
                                                  Dean Briggs, Dennis Jernigan - Men
Friday Evening 7PM - 10PM    - Soaking Worship and Ministry to Specific Needs
Saturday Morning 8AM - 9AM    - Meet and Greet with the Jernigans
9AM - Noon  - Dean Briggs
Noon - 2PM    - Lunch
Saturday Afternoon 2PM - 5PM    - Dani Jernigan, Dean Briggs
Saturday Evening 7PM - 9PM    - Night of Praise and Ministry Conclusion

Registration Deadline

We would ask that you register by May 31, 2013 in order for us to have adequate time
to prepare for the conference necessities. We will turn no one away if they cannot meet
that deadline. Late- comers will still be able to get in the door but may not receive
all the goodies the early-birds do!

Register online  for singles here.
Register online for couples here.
Call 1-800-877-0406 to register by phone
OR Mail your check and completed registration form to:
Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.
7804 West Fern Mountain Rd.
Muskogee, OK 74401

- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mail-in Registration Form
______________________________________________________________________________ Name (Please Print Legibly)
______________________________________________________________________________ Address
______________________________________________________________________________ Phone
$100 - single registration    $150 - Married Couple Groups of 10 or more, call 1-800-877-0406 for group discount of $75 per person.

Tear off completed form and mail with check or money order to:
Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.
7804 West Fern Mountain Road
Muskogee, OK 74401

We Want to Hear From You
Because we do not want to waste your time and because we hope to be the best ministers possible to your needs,
we would like to know how to better prepare for this specific conference. One way we would like to do that is
by asking you to send us questions you would like to see answered to specific healing needs in your own life.
Send your questions to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and put ‘June 2013 Conference Question’ in the subject field.

Download brochure and poster to print, post, and share here.


Melinda's Side of the Story

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Every Christian has his own story, and every Believer her own calling from Christ.  
As the Help-meet of her husband, Christian singer/songwriter, and author Dennis Jernigan,
and the mother of nine now adult children, Melinda Jernigan has many stories to share.
 As a woman who has known the chisel of God’s mercy in her life, she also has a testimony of
faith and endurance in times of failure, hardship, physical ailment, triumphs, and victories
that all cry out to be shared with others who struggle in their daily lives, whether a lost
soul or a wayward Follower. God has nurtured a loving heart in Melinda for these
others – especially women who have felt less than feminine and ugly.  
Her goal is, to help all women find their God-crafted inner beauty that, once it is exposed,
will shine on the outside as well.
 Her hand-heart crafted jewelry line at is an outward
expression of this desire to see all women feeling and expressing their true beauty.

Whether she is singing backup vocals for her husband, tweeting with viewers during
live streaming concerts, creating a custom-designed bobble for a customer,
or sharing in a women’s group or church setting,
Melinda Jernigan always exposes her true servant’s heart.

Suggested Topics:

- Minister's wives

- Sexual Purity

- Hospitality

- Worship Begins at Home

- Identity in Christ

- Raising Up a Godly Generation

- The 4 C's: Cut Cost Clarity Color

- Womanhood: Teaching how to have a special blessing ceremony

- Titus Ministry /Mentoring/Discipleship

- Marriage and Family

- How to raise boys/girls

- How to Meet the Needs of Your Husband

- I Am a Worship Leader's /Pastor's Wife Now What Do I Do?

Contact Kristopher Kay for booking information. email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

                                                                           Phone: 918.685.2268


Melinda Jernigan Bio Sheet



January 22, 2013 Newsletter

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7:00 PM Night of Praise at Church 4:18 in Muskogee, OK.

Join Dennis as he leads a Night of Praise to help raise funds for an upcoming heart replacement surgery needed by a close friend, Troy Ambler.  A love offering for Troy will be taken and all proceeds from the sales of products will help fund Troy's surgery.

2710 South Cherokee Drive
Muskogee, OK. 74403

More information about the church can be found on their website


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