
Next Generation Creative Institute 4 Weekends

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FOUR Weekends to Choose From! Sign up NOW!

April 1-3
June 24-26
September 9-11
November 4-6

Muskogee, OK

For 29 years Dennis Jernigan has been involved in leading worship, writing and recording music, sharing his story with millions, writing books, and ministering the Gospel of freedom found in knowing Jesus Christ. His desire is to divulge what he has learned to any who could benefit from his knowledge…especially the next generation. If you are a young person (or young at heart!) who would find value in the wisdom gained from years and years of experience in real hands-on ministry, come and sit under the teaching of Dennis Jernigan in his living-room where he will candidly share what he knows and, during frequent Q&A sessions, attempt to give you insight into your particular creative outlet.

The principles of creativity Jernigan has garnered from walking with Jesus and ministering to hurting, desperate people will serve as a great encouragement to those who desire to minister to the world around them via the Kingdom of God through all the creativity God pours out on His children. The nuggets of wisdom garnered during this very special event will be worth your time and effort. The NGCI will be held Friday evening through Sunday noon. Beginning Friday evening from 7-10 PM, the event will spill into Saturday from 9-4 with dinner Saturday evening, concluding Sunday at noon with a time of worship and commissioning for all those who attend.

Only 20 Spots Available

We are limiting the event to only 20 people in order to give everyone a chance to rub shoulders with DJ. Our hope is that we would build ongoing relationships and help the next generation in ways DJ had to find out the hard way! Registration will close after we receive 20 registration fees.

Our suggested cost for the 2-day event is $150.00. Your payment will secure your place at this very special event.

Simply call 1-800-877-0406 and register or pay online (click on dates aboce). Remember, space is limited to no more than 20.

Who Is Invited?
Worship Leaders
DJ has been leading out in worship since 1981 and has many stories to tell! Come and learn how Dennis flows in and by the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Song Writers
Dennis has received over 2,000 songs from the Lord, of which over 400 have been published. Come and learn how to receive inspiration to be a song receiver.

Recording Artists
DJ has recorded over 40 albums of original music to date, both as a label artist and as an independent artist. Come and learn how Dennis plans and brings a project to pass.

How to Share Your Story
Jernigan has been sharing his story of deliverance from same sex attraction since 1988 and serves on the Board of Directors of Exodus International, the world’s largest ministry to those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction. Come and learn how and why DJ shares his story of deliverance so boldly in such a dark time in our history…and in the process, learn how to share your own unique story.

Dennis has authored 9 books and is currently working on two novels. Come and learn how DJ prepares for his writing projects and receives inspiration.

How to Minister the Love of Christ
• Come and find out how Jernigan builds relationship with those he ministers to.
• Come and learn how DJ finds harvest is in the field…not in the barn. Practical ministry.
• Come and learn how to be salt and be light…be the love of Jesus to those who feel rejected by the

Dinner with DJ
• An Oklahoma barbecue dinner will be served on Saturday evening

Q & A with DJ
• Whenever DJ feels like it!!!

Lodging and Travel
• The nearest airport is Tulsa International Airport, Tulsa, OK

Hotel Info
LaQuinta Inn and Suites - 918-687-9000
3031 Military Blvd.
 (includes breakfast)

Comfort Inn -918-682-3724
3133 Azalea Park Drive
(includes breakfast)

Holiday Inn Express - 918-687-4224
2701 W. Shawnee
$89.95 + tax
(includes breakfast)

Hampton Inn - 918-682-2587
3100 Military Blvd.t (includes breakfast)

Fairfield Inn and Suites - 918-683-6700
1650 North 32nd Street
 (includes breakfast)


DJ Insider Contest

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DJ Insider Contest – Win a Book, CDs, and DVD!


Sign up to be a DJ Insider and win a book, CDs, and a DVD! What is a DJ Insider? Go to and find out more. The name of everyone who signs up to be a DJ Insider between now and Friday, January 21st will be entered into a contest pool. On Wednesday, I will randomly select a name from that pool and the winner will receive a FREE copy of the book “Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers”, a copy of the recording “Kingdom Come”, a copy of the new CD along with a DVD of “Here in Your Presence”.


For current DJ Insiders, we have a way for you to enter the contest as well. If you recommend someone to DJ Insiders and they become subscribers, have them call 1-800-877-0406 or contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and give us your name and your name will be entered into the drawing as well!


January 2011 Newsletter

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Rise Up

I received this song for our new Governor, Mary Fallin, first female Governor in our state's history...and a mighty woman of faith. It was my honor and privilege to lead worship for her pre-inauguration prayer service...where I sang this song over her.
To get an mp3 for yourself or to send to a leader in your life, go to

Ministry in Tyler, TX

Join me for worship and ministry in Tyler this Monday evening,
January 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM. This is a Celebrate Recovery Ministry Time at
Green Acres Baptist Church, Tyler, TX…and it is open to the public!


Pre-Inaugural Prayer Service for Oklahoma’s First Female Governor, Mary Fallin


Yesterday I was privileged to lead worship and minister to a gathering of believers to encourage and pray for our new governor, Mary Fallin. I will just give highlights to keep it brief.


Melinda and I, along with children Anne, Asa, and our dear friends Danny and Joanna Dunlap, drove to OKC for the event where we were met by daughter Raina, her friend Chip and his parents, Grieg and Jeanna Songer.


I have known Mary since she was Lt Governor under Governor Frank Keating. Mary used to come to my monthly night of praise occasionally. Her humility and desire for Jesus impressed me greatly…making me even more proud to be an Oklahoman. A few weeks ago, her assistant called and asked that I lead worship for this gathering per request of the new governor-elect. How does one turn down a command performance? What an honor!


Mary’s home church (Crossings Community Church, OKC) and pastor, Marty Grubbs, hosted the event. I have loved this church for a long time because of their encouragement to me personally. An added bonus was the fact that the artistic director for Crossings, Dr. Jeri Edmonds, was my college vocal instructor. I credit her with honing my voice and giving me a vision for leading worship from the piano. She was one of the first I had ever met who could sit at the piano and worship…and still use amazing technique without even thinking about it! She is one of my greatest encouragers to this day. She tells me my technique is still solid and that I’ll be singing and worshiping when I’m 90!


After sound check, I went and changed for the event. At many events of this nature I am assigned body guards/security. Today I met three who personally attended to me and my family (I guess our rowdy reputation required extra personnel! LOL!). I looked at them and told them I thought they were sufficiently menacing-looking so they would be fine. They were so gracious and encouraging, one even telling me how my ministry had changed his life and the life of his entire church body. So humbling and encouraging.


Pastor Sharon Daugherty, Victory Chirtsian Center, Tulsa came and greeted Melinda and I and asked if I would play a song for the end of her blessing to the governor so she could sing. Handing me a chord chart to a song I had never heard before, I said ‘no problem’. Inside I was saying to myself, “Why did you say ‘no problem’, doofus?”


As we were escorted from our green room to the event, we were ushered to a specific seating area right up front. I was then led to a seat near the piano…and then Sandi Patty sat right down next to me. Our seats happened to be right in front of my mom and her sisters so they were in heaven. My mom opened the official program for the day, a very elaborate collector’s item, turning to the page with my profile. Leaning forward toward Sandi, she asked her, “Sandi, are you in this book?” I laughed so hard…because Sandy’s picture and profile are on the page opposite from mine! I said, “Sorry, Sandi. I think her attention was on the handsome dude on the other page.” Sandy was so hilarious, playing right along with me when my mom asked for a picture with her – scooting out of the shot and asking, “Are you sure you want me in this?” Made my day!


As the governor-elect entered, the everyone stood spontaneously and applauded for several minutes. So cool. Sandi began the program. Glorious way to begin. This church is full of talent – and Sandi is a member there!


My good friends, Mark and Virginia Taylor and Karen Everly sang an a Capela version of The Lord’s Prayer. More glory. Incidentally, this trio used to sing BGVs with me on my early albums and even traveled with me as part of my praise team. I felt like I was at home among friends.


Sandi then sang “Blessed Assurance” and “How Great Thou Art” with the choir and orchestra of Crossings Church. Standing ovation. Cool.


Sharon Daugherty then shared. As she concluded I went to the piano and played a song I had never heard from a simple chord progression she had handed me. This was a ‘Holy Spirit, HELP ME’ moment! She sang through the chorus three times – and we made it! So cool.


I stayed at the piano and asked everyone to stand in honor of the King. Asking ‘Are you ready to worship?’ the place stirred with excitement. I asked them how they would respond to an OU or OSU touchdown. The shouts went up. At that I simply reminded them of the One Who scored THE big eternal touchdown for our lives. They were ready.


My day had been spent worrying and fretting about what to sing. I had felt impressed of the Lord to lead in certain songs and to sing over the governor a prophetic song. As I did my sound check I saw they had a list of requested songs they would like me to perform as a medley. My fear was that I would be seen as rebellious or headstrong. As I began to sing in obedience ‘You are my strength when I and weak. You are the Treasure that I seek…’ the fear was absolutely gone. The people filled the room with glorious worship to the Lord out of grateful hearts.


We then went right into “Here in Your Presence”. I knew this would be a stretch since it is a relatively unknown song…but they proved me wrong. By the end of the second chorus they were singing like they had sung the song their whole lives! By then there was a corporate sense of God’s presence in a profound way.


From this point it only got better! As I began the first line of “Who Can Satisfy My Soul” the people were charging ahead without me! I love those moments when it feels like the horse you are guiding is ready to run free…so I let them go where they would! This was a most glorious moment…to know my state leader was worshiping the King of Kings unashamedly with all these people who were committing to pray for her…priceless.


After this song, I asked everyone to be seated. I looked at Mary and told her how proud I had always been to be an Oklahoman…never leaving the state…raising my family here…and now to see a godly woman taking the reins of leadership. I told her how proud I had been of her and of our state whenever she would come and worship with me during a Night of Praise. I told her how the Lord had given me a specific song – a word – just for her. As I began to sing the following words, many of her advisors began to weep (I heard from many of them afterwards).


Rise Up

Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan

For Mary Fallin, Governor of Oklahoma

January 4, 2011



You have dared to dream a dream

Leading to reality!

Open up your eyes

Embrace all you can see!

Walk in deep humility

This is your identity

Laying down your very life for those you lead.

This is your destiny! This is your destiny!



Rise up! Rise up and be!

Rise up, embrace your destiny!

Rise up! Rise and believe!

Rise up and dare to live your dream!

Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!

Embrace your destiny!



At times you'll walk a lonely road

But you will never be alone!

Every step along the way is where I'll be!

Live your life for all to see.

Walk in great integrity,

Laying down your life and serving those you lead!

This is your destiny!  This is your destiny!



Rise up! Rise up and be!

Rise up, embrace your destiny!

Rise up! Rise and believe!

Rise up and dare to live your dream!

Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!

Embrace your destiny!



Rise up and spread your wings

And soar to heights you've yet to see!

For such a time as this

I call you to your destiny!

Your destiny!



Rise up! Rise up and be!

Rise up, embrace your destiny!

Rise up! Rise and believe!

Rise up and dare to live your dream!

Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!

Embrace your destiny!


As the song ended, there was a reverent hush…and I asked everyone to stand and remember all God had done to get them to this place in their own destiny…and began to sing ‘For all that You’ve done I will thank You..’ and the place was electric with God’s presence.


After my portion, the Governor-elect stands to greet the crowd. After a few moments of sharing, she turned to me and, in front of God and everyone, told me that she wanted me to be the worship leader for her prayer event…that she had been ministered to by my music through many hard times in her life…that before any debate or speech she encourages herself – pumps herself up – by listening to Jernigan music. Then she told me why the song “Rise Up” had affected her so much. Before deciding to run for governor, she had a dinner with her husband and children, telling them she knew her first calling was as a wife and mother…and needed to know their thoughts on whether she should run or not. Her daughter’s response? “Mom, this is your destiny.” The words of the song were right in line with what she had felt the Lord had called her to – and why her staff was so moved! What a blessing…and what an answer from the Lord to me concerning some personal spiritual battles I have been fighting (Can I hear God? Am I still relevant? Etc.). I am so thankful the Lord put me in Oklahoma…and so thankful for so many of our leaders who follow Jesus…so grateful.


I enjoyed sitting with pastor Marty Grubbs (they should NEVER let us sit together…we had too much fun) and talking with him.


Near the end of the service I was asked to come back and sing “I Bless You” over the Governor-elect. POWERFUL…so powerful.


After the service, the Governor-elect stayed until every last person that wanted to meet her or have a picture with her had gone. Amazing woman. Amazing woman of God…the REAL deal.


I met so many wonderful Oklahomans after the service and stayed as long as the Governor did greeting people. I loved this time. I also got to meet a hero. Anita Bryant came to meet me telling me she felt many had been set free and ministered to during my leading. I asked her if she knew my story. She had not heard…but was so thankful to know me once she knew of my deliverance. She was ridiculed and booted out of an amazing career as a former Miss America and pop star simply because of her willingness to stand against homosexual sin. This was an added blessing for me…and yet another wonderful blessing for my mom and her sisters since Anita was such a big deal during their younger days.


After the service I felt such a huge relief as the burdens I had felt before the service were now gone. Melinda and my family, along with the Songers and Dunlaps, stopped for a late dinner then drove home through the snow, thanking God for a most wonderful day.


Please pray for Governor Mary Fallin as the Lord brings her to your mind. She needs our prayer and support…whether you are from Oklahoma or not!




December 2010 Newsletter

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter
December 1, 2010

  • New Songs! 
  • DJ Ministry Opportunities in December
  • Gifts for Christmas

New Songs!

This past week Dennis received a couple of new songs we want you to know about. The first is a Christmas song called Let Us Not Forget.

You can watch the video and sing along anytime you like…or you can download the FREE mp3. The song history is available there at the download site as well as an accompaniment track, lead sheet, and lyrics.

The other song we wanted you to know about is called Take Me Home.
Video, lead sheet, accompaniment tracks and lyrics also available.
Take Me Home

Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan

Received on November 24, 2010


But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

2 Corinthians 4:7-11 NASB


This world is not my home. It is not my final destination. I am here but for a season – but I am here for a reason. I am here to lay my life down for God’s glory and for the sake of others. Sin and the lies of the enemy see to it that trials and tribulations come our way – daily. I am no different than you. Sometimes the darkness seems to be winning. More and more it seems like the world calls right wrong and wrong right. Personally, my attacks come a great deal of the time from the sharing of my story of redemption. The world tells me I am doing more harm than good by telling people change is possible…and, at times, I fear for my own safety and for the safety of my family…and that gets old. But I expect that from the world. When I am most tempted to give up is when I receive opposition from the body of Christ. Some from the Christian world often ask me things like this: “Are you sure it’s sin?” or make statements like, “You limit the love of God by telling people they are in sin.” My battle often leaves me feeling alone on the battlefield and abandoned by the body of Christ. I know that cannot possibly be true but the enemy does his darndest to get the opposition in my face. This song came as I came through a particularly difficult time of personal bombardment. I hesitate to even share these things with you because some will see this as whining and complaining. That is the furthest thing from the truth. I share because truth – led by honest confession – sets us free. The Holy Spirit has prompted me that there are many others in the body of Christ who feel the same way at times. Reality is this: we are never alone…and God wastes nothing – even pain or suffering or sorrows – if we allow Him to join us through those trials. He will use even our greatest wounds to bring about His glory and our good. There is grace for us to make it through…this world truly is not our home…but Home is already in our hearts to enjoy before we ever cross death’s door. It is in that place of intimacy with Christ in the midst of the journey that we find the comfort, peace, protection, and joy of ‘Home’.

Dennis Jernigan


DJ Ministry Opportunities in December

Here are some ways you can pray for DJ in the coming days…and if you are near one of these areas, please consider joining him for worship and ministry.


Please pray for his ministry times this week:

• Dec. 1 - Night of Praise, Stetson Baptist Church, DeLand, FL

• Dec. 2 - Exodus board meeting, Orlando, FL

• Dec. 3 - Night of Praise, Grace Alliance Church, Dunedin, FL

• Dec. 5 - Night of Praise, New Hope First Baptist Church, Cedar Park, TX

• Dec. 6 – Worship From the Living Room with Dennis Jernigan – join DJ live online and
sing along as he leads in Christmas worship and ministry.

Go to at 9 PM CST and click on the live broadcast!

• Dec. 12 - Night of Praise, First Baptist Church - Liberty City/Kilgore, TX

• Dec. 13-23 - Kandern, Germany - Raina and I will be visiting Israel and Dani

• Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve NOP - Church 4:18, Muskogee, OK

Dennis Jernigan Christmas Gift Ideas

Autographed collectibles, limited edition signed manuscripts, CD collections, MP Designs Jewelry and more...

Go here for complete listings.


November 2010 Newsletter

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Worship and Ministry With DJ TONIGHT!!!

Tonight, live from his studio, DJ will be ministering…9 PM CST!
Go to to take part.
Share this link with your friends.
This is a great opportunity to receive personal ministry from DJ in the intimacy of your own home…and also a great opportunity to minister to others you know who might benefit from such a ministry.

NGCI Coming in November

Join Dennis Jernigan in His Home for 3 days!
It doesn’t get much more personal than that!
Next Generation Creative Institute
November 12-14, 2010
Muskogee, OK
Only a few spaces left. Sign up NOW! We are limiting the event to 20 people.
Go to Next Generation Creative Institute for more information.

Holy Is The Lord Most High
Free mp3 Download Of The Month

Christmas Gift Ideas/Collector’s Items

Framed, Signed Copy of “Here in Your Presence”
Here In Your Presence Autographed Collectible

Framed, Signed Enlargement of “Here in Your Presence” Cover Art
Here In Your Presence Cover Art Autographed Collectible

Framed, Signed Copy of Original Song Manuscript – “Thank You, Lord”
Original Manuscript Autographed Thank You, Lord

Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers – Vol. II
Volume II of Dennis Jernigan’s devotional series “Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers” will be available as an eBook only beginning December 1, 2010. This makes a perfect gift for those who enjoy reading a quick devotional thought to begin or end each day. Designed to be used in conjunction with Jernigan’s music, these short readings are inspired by the Word of God as applied to the life, music, and thought processes DJ goes through as an overcomer. Meant to inspire the heart of a warrior, giant killer, overcomer, follower, and intimate friend of Jesus Christ, these devotions make a wonderful gift to those you hope to encourage in their daily walks as they renew their minds in Christ. The book will also be available in the Kindle domain.
Price $14 per download

Forty Days & Forty Nights – Vol. I-IV
Forty Days and Forty Nights CD Collection
Price $40 plus shipping for entire 4 CD set

Forty Days and Forty Nights V1 mp3 Collection
Forty Days and Forty Nights V2 mp3 Collection
Forty Days and Forty Nights V3 mp3 Collection
Forty Days and Forty Nights V4 mp3 Collection
Price $10 per volume download at web site

MP Designs Jewelry
Handbeaded jewelry designs by my wife, Melinda.
Sign up for her e-newsletter to receive monthly coupons for discounts.
Perfect gifts for Christmas.


“…You are Light in the darkness…”


As a boy, many nights were spent on our farm playing games in the dark. One of our favorite games was one we called ‘Spotlight’. Basically, the game entailed playing ‘Hide and Seek’. One person was ‘it’ and everyone else ran and hid in the darkness. We learned to conceal ourselves in obvious places and discovered the great advantage of wearing dark colored clothing. As ‘it’ walked around looking for us in the pitch-black night those of us in hiding could easily keep track of their location because the flashlight they used to ‘Spotlight’ us (which meant we were captured if the light fell on us). Our goal was to move stealthily from hiding place to hiding place and make our way back to ‘base’ and safety. Two things stand out for me in a spiritual sense now that I look back. In my sin I used to go around hiding from the light because I did not want to face the rejection and shame of having my sin exposed by the Light of Christ. In addition, I vividly remember how comforting having that light with me in the darkness was when I was ‘it’. What I now know is that to be exposed to the Light of His holiness is a GOOD thing – because exposure to that Light brings health and healing to my soul. Spiritual reality is this: knowing Christ means that His light goes with me through ANY and ALL darkness I must face in this life.


Allow the Holy Spirit to shine His light into any dark place in your soul today. Rest in the assurance that no matter how dark the valley you may be walking today that Jesus is WITH you and He will light your path.


Your word is a lamp to my feet  And a light to my path.                
Psalm 119:105 NASB

This devotion was taken from the Daily Devotions for DJinsiders and is a part of the soon-to-be-released book Daily Devotions For Kingdom Seekers – Vol. II.

Listen to Keeper and Sustainer of My Life from the recording Worshipper’s Collection V1 (I Belong to Jesus – Vol. 2).


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