Posted by: DJ on
Apr 22, 2010
You may have noticed I have not posted any Get Honest blogs in a while. The need is almost overwhelming...but I do answer each and every one of them as time allows. As of late, most of the emails received via Get Honest require more of a response than I can give via email. That being said, please join me in asking the Lord for wisdom as to how best minister to those who write. That would mean a great deal to me.
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 26, 2009
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 24, 2009
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 24, 2009
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 23, 2009
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 23, 2009
After 30+ years as a Christian, I still feel such powerful attractions for men. I don't act out, but the internal battle with lust is intense sometimes. This is quite a struggle and makes me "feel" that God must get disgusted with me...I should be "over this" by now. I have a wonderful wife and six kids. God has been good to me. My flesh however loves this sin. It is so fruitless and self-defeating. My heart is grieved. I go through seasons of greater liberty, then slip back. I love/hate it. It is such a nasty idol in my life. Forgive the flavor of self-pity in this.
I know we have to be ruthless against temptations. Please stand with me as I confess this.
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 23, 2009
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 23, 2009
After striving with all I had for about eight months to immerse myself in Christian activities, and community, I started going back on gay sites.
Why does God curse me? What have I done.. I don't really believe my peers suffer a fraction of the misery I go through, feeling that my existence is offensive. I wouldn't have ever admitted that six months ago, I told myself we all suffered the same, and that I didn't identify myself in light of my perceived orientation.
The severity of depression, however, suggests otherwise. I'm a gifted pianist, and I want to study medicine, but I can't bring myself to be excited about anything except what is forbidden.
I have been seeing a Christian counselor who was in the gay lifestyle, and isnow happily married with two children.
I just don't want to hurt, God seems so far.
Posted by: DJ on
Nov 23, 2009
I can't even type the words...
Posted by: DJ on
Jul 24, 2009
I know this says 25 words or less...and this is not 25 words or less...but i really need help with this..i hope this is ok. For the past 4 years i have struggled with going to far with the person i am dating..not sex..but close. I came to the point a long time ago when i felt forgiveness for a constant sin and struggle just couldn't happen. Today i was at my breaking point. I feel like I am empty..when i pray i feel nothing and i hear nothing. I can't forget all i've done and how far i have gotten from gotten. It hurts. no matter how hard i try to find a way back i can't seem to. I was saved at 14 years of age...and now i wonder what happened to me. i am 20 now. My boyfriend and i have decided to take a new road..we do bible study together everyday and are working on staying completely pure..but how do i find reassurance that God is still with me? I listen to the song and i sing it to my self all the time "If I could Just Sit With You A While" i love it...and thats all i want feel Jesus just hold me.
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 NASB
Do not set yourself up to fail. Set yourself up to succeed. Do not allow yourself to be placed in a situation where temptation even has a chance. Put the ‘ways of escape’ in place even ahead of time. Some suggestions: No alone time unless in public. Date in a group. No physical contact until your wedding night. I would also suggest you look into the many resources available at